Page 3, News, Tuesday, January 21 1992 Clubs works toward dream of multi-sports complex by Darren MacDonald The News The dream of providing families with outdoor activities has, for the last three years, been on the mind of the Down- hill Ski Club in Terrace Bay. Years ago, the Club hosted competitions which attracted skiers from across the region. But the the original club and hill closed down in 1977. The club was revived more than ten years later by a group of individuals who saw a need for more activities in the com- munity that families could par- ticipate in together. "A point we want to get across is that there isn't much for children around here," says club secretary Melody Mateev. "That's where we have to start -- with the young ones. And who knows, maybe we can come up with an Olympic skier." "People like me and Mel(ody) and others picked up the club again and started over from the bottom," says club president Garry Richards. Richards says the Township financed a study in 1987 which said that a downhill ski club would be feasible, but then shelved the plan, where it remained until the Club was revived it in 1988. The re-formed Downhill Ski Club has been fundraising for the past couple of years in sup- port of their plans to build an outdoor sports complex that would ultimately include three winter and one summer clubs. In cooperation with the Cross Country Ski Club, The d<° b By: <a » SF * Pe ate aN. a ae) oe 4'> dd Pi Pie) evuvvvrvVY eee ENVY VEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EYE EYE EYES Tivenk fou '>; The Terrace Bay Ringette Association : Would like to thank all the organizers PS . and volunteers involved in making } the Terrace Bay Ringette Tournament * Downhill Ski Club president Garry Richards standing on the future site of the main ski hill Lake Superior Snowmobile Club and the Baseball League, the Downhill Ski Club wants to build a Chalet that all four would use as their base. There would also be a main hill for downhill skiers, a beginners hill for kids, a chair- litt, cross country ski trails, snowmobile trails, a baseball diamond with lights for night games, a picnic area and a park. Sie The Ski Club's current executive of 15 members have raised money through events such as the annual winter Car- nival, which is in March, and the annual Terrace Bay Fish Derby, held each year on the July 1 holiday. Including expected pro- - Sus S/F * SAG os RNs » us NL 2 Rs 12 ANY '> ok! PP i> i 4 > i 28} a success during the weekend of i> a January 11th, 12th and 13th 1992. iy WMA Aw Ann dndn andadn a anna ng allinda wenn neemeaman ene na; P28 TN PRFRIRLITRIRF SIV IN IRF K TOWNSHIP OF SCHREIBER GYMNASTICS Registration for the Schreiber Parks and Recreation Department Gymnastics Program is now being accepted at the Schreiber Recreation Office Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The program is open to girls in the following divi- sions: COMPETITIVE GIRLS 9 & OVER $110.00 PRE COMPETITIVE GIRLS 9 & OVER' $ 75.00 RECREATIONAL GIRLS 7&8 $ 25.00 TOTS GIRLS 5&6 $ 30.00 Classes will commence on Monday, February 3rd and run to April 30th, 1992. Space is limited in all divisions so early regis- tration is recommended. Age limits will be strictly adhered to, no exceptions. For more information contact the Recreation Office at 824-2317. ceeds from a snowmobile raf- fle, Melody Mateev says the club will have raised $29,000. "That's all by ourselves, without financial input other than donations for the winter carnival and for the fish derby," she says. "The chalet has a lot of planning still to go through," says Garry Richards. "The clubs. still -have to meet 'and' plan how the chalet will be built." - Another hurdle the club will have to overcome is the need for an access road, which would run next to the Terrace Bay branch of the Royal Cana- dian Legion. The Legion must agree to allow the road to be built, by Paul Rom tuner for the Thunder Bay Auditorium during the week of Jan. 27th Call Kim Alexander 825-3352 Piano Works planning to do." Terrace Bay Council has written a letter to the Legion supporting the Ski Club's plans, but Legion President Doug Caldwell says any dis- continued on page 10 since it would involve changes to their parking lot. ; "The Legion hasn't written us back, although we've writ- ten them several letters," Richards says. "I don't know what they're THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BAY GENERAL OFFICE CLERK MUNICIPAL OFFICE Reporting directly to the Deputy Clerk-Treasurer, the General Office Clerk acts as receptionist for the Municipal Office and is responsible for township receipts and deposits, producing accounts payable cheques, and secretarial work for the Fire Chief, Airport Manager and Deputy Clerk-Treasurer. Applicants should possess at least a high school diploma. A working knowledge of accounting principles and at least two years clerical/secretarial experience is required. Experience working with the public is preferred. Familiarity with data pro- cessing and/or word processing would be a definite asset. Closing date, Wednesday, January 22, 1992, 4:30 p.m. Resumes outlining education, expreience and references should be addressed to the attention of: Christine Broughton Deputy Clerk-Treasurer The Corporation of the Township of Terrace Bay P.O. Box 40 Terrace Bay, Ontario 1-345-5501 TO YOUR BABY..... Ao BAY b, AVA: B/\g < "4 TH us Health for Life! BE Goon |) THUNDER BAY DISTRICT -HEALTH UNIT- .....DBEFORE IT IS BORN satan from smoking, *eat nourishing fee alcohol and drugs *see your doctor early and regularly *attend prenatal classes -- eens Classes begin Feb. 18, 1992 200 P.M. = 9: 00 P.M. Holy hiniets ia - Library Room - reiber Cail the Health unit i Register at 824- 2413