Page 7, News, Tuesday, August 28, 1990 Septem ber 3, 1 98(- Terry Fox leaves impression on Terrace Bay Ten years ago this week Terry Fox made his way through Terrace Bay and Schreiber. We would like to reprint an article from the Terrace Bay/Schreiber News of September 3, 1980. "The Terry Fox who spoke to' crowds gathered at the Red Dog Inn on August 27 bore absolutely no resemblance to the surly, com- plaining tyrant we were led (or rather misled) to expect by the Toronto media. Rather we heard a boyish young man whose obvi- ous sincerity caused an unusual, but, in this most cynical of ages, welcome reaction in most who'd come to cheer but left with lumps in their throats and tears in their eyes! Terry, who celebrated his 22nd birthday while running through Gravenhurst on August 4, told of his reaction to learning at age 18 after a few weeks of pain in his knee, that his leg would be ampu- tated in just four days. He spoke of friends and cards and people who cared, getting him through the worst times. He shared the frustration of seeing Pet Talk By Alice Scott In the past four years, I have had many people phone or drop by seeking advice or help dealing with their pets. No incident has been so heart- breaking as the one that happened this past week. One evening, a young girl around nine years old, come knocking at my door. In her hand was a burlap bag soaked with blood. Inside was an eight week old kitten - unfortu- nately dead. As tears ran down her cheeks, she related what had happened to her kitten. She had been taking her kit- tens for a walk when they pan- icked, ran under a truck, and into the motor. The owner then asked what she was doing on his property. She explained what had happened to her kittens. This person then proceeded to the most idiotic thing I've ever heard. He started his truck, moving the wheels back and forth. The little girl asked him to stop but by then it was too late. . : He placed the limp kitten in the bag and told her, "To get the dumb thing out of here." I then had the most difficult task of explaining to this child that I could do nothing to save her kitten. she had a hard time accepting the situation and swore she heard him "Meow". Showing her that it was impossible for him to be alive, when all I wanted to do was turn my head from the horrible site, will be something I will never forget. Only common sense is needed when dealing with an animal on your property. Don't start a vehicle when an animal is around or has climbed inside the motor. Animals panic in this situation and do not think rationally. To someone this may be a nuisance, but this is someone else's com- panion. The safest way to protect your pet is to confine him to your yard. Unfortunately, loose animals do cause problems. Last week, a dog was killed by two dogs. This is a very common occurrence when dogs start to run in packs. The same thing could have happened to a child, as dogs, when they are in a pack, will attack anything that runs. Many dogs that roam free for too long can also turn wild. The same thing can also happen with cats. ~ ae No one should own a pet unless one is willing to take the responsibility of caring for the animal. They should be spayed or neutered and kept on a leash. Even my cats are brought outside on a harness and leash. If you are thinking of getting a pet, make sure you look at the pro's and con's first. We should not have loose ani- mals in our towns. There is no reason for it. There are no irre- sponsible animals, there are only irresponsible people. CONTAG P_ALLERGY FORMULA | ALLERGY FORMULA rj Continuous Action @ Long lasting reiet @ A runny noes, sneezing. e and itchy, watery eyes. @ San rrr vems HELP WANTED full and part-time positions, for fall cook's helpers waitresses and chambermaids apply to the RED DOG INN in person or call 3285 his skills as a basketball player at Simon Fraser University vanish so quickly. He told us of past dreams which would never be fulfilled and new dreams that undoubtedly will. Terry said many people call him courageous and strong because of his marathon run, but that the real time he had to have courage was during the months of chemotherapy necessary to fight his cancer. And then Terry broke down and wept and pointed to a handsome little 10 year-old boy who lost his leg to cancer two months ago and is now going through all Terry himself had to endure. We wept with him. Young Greg Scott flew with his parents to join Terry for two days of his run and will return August 28 to his home town of Welland. Terry expressed pride and amazement in Greg's incredible achievements of riding a bike and swimming and said Greg was giving him lessons. Lessons in riding, swimming - and courage. Terry thanked Terrace Bay for their fantastic donation of over $10,400 to the Canadian Cancer Society. The campaign idea of "a dollar per person" has seen its greatest success in Northwestern Ontario and Terry was obviously very happy with local contribu- tions. Although he could not stop in Schreiber, almost $3,000 was pre- sented to his brother. This dona- tion is even more impressive in view of the fact that many Schreiber families are also K.C. families and contributed to the mill collections. So very many did so indeed. It was great to see the Guides, Beavers, and Cubs out in uni- form. The Commisso Brothers band added much to the enjoy- ment of Terry, his team and the crowds. Mary Hale, in Terrace Bay, and Marion Henri in Schreiber proved themselves to be super organizers and doers of deeds, not dreamers of dreams. Terry now continues his run, averaging 40 km per day over our rugged, hilly highway. Downhill stretches are especially difficult for him, but his team says he is well and strong and determined to make it to B.C. We do thank Terry and Greg for reminding us that research isn't just a word - it's people working to help the Terrys and Gregs of this world and to pre- vent others from having to go through their very personal ago- nies. Terry believes that cancer could have been beaten some fa IBERAL AUTHORIZED BY THE LAKE NIPIGON LIBERAL RIDING ASSOCIATION twenty years ago if people would have joined together as they are doing now. Let's remember Terry - as a man who challenged us to open our hearts and our wallets - as an incredibly fine athlete who is achieving a monumental physi- cal task and as a man who cares enough to cry." We all know the rest of the story and in the interim we have been reminded of the courage and the dreams of Terry Fox by documentaries, movies, and by the presence of Steve Fonyo, who helped to complete what Terry had started. We would like to think that the "legend" of Terry Fox will be remembered. Terry Fox is truly one of Canada's greatest heroes. "A COMMITMENT TO LEADERSHIP TINNES, JUDY Campaign Headquarters 38 Front Street, Nipigon 887-3560 lesa Bay amendment. p.m. Monday - Friday. the Terrace Bay Municipal Office, 12 Simcoe Plaza, ing by-law amendment under Section 34 of the Planning Act. The proposed zoning by-law amendmen 1.854 hectares of land from "MX" ( Extract to permit the construction of a cemetery for the Township of Schreiber. Amendment is available for ins , The Corporation of the =| Township of Terrace Bay PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Terrace will hold a Public Meeting on Monday, September 24, 1990, at 6:30 p.m. at to consider a proposed zon- t would change the zone category of ive Industrial) to "OS" (Open Space) ANY PERSON may attend the Public Meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed zoning by-law ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed zoning By-Law pection at my office between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BAY THIS 23rd DAY OF AUGUST, 1990 DAVID C.FULTON CLERK-TREASURER ADMINISTRATOR TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BAY, 12 SIMCOE PLAZA P.O. BOX 40 TERRCE BAY, ONTARIO POT 2WO TOWNSHIP iF HAYS LAKE oe PRISKE RACE Bay --_ WIiGHWwar ee SE fiG 7 oh: 31660 eS ) Ook Se oe ees . 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