H - Honest U - Understanding A - Available R - Reliable D - Dedicated I know that I have these qualifica- tions. I want to work for the good of all the community. I will be available at all times as my only job will be serving for You - the people of Schreiber! I am not a "yes person". I can and will make sound decisions that are for the betterment of the community. I am a lifetime resident of Schreiber and have a strong desire to see our community fully develop it's poten- tial. We can and should be a commu- nity we can all be proud of. The only promise I will make if elected on November 14th is that I will give you 3 years of hard, honest work. On November I4th - vote Lorraine Huard Chris Joubert I've lived in Terrace Bay with my wife Judy and our 3 sons for the past 5 years. I am the Maintenance Supervisor for Birchwood Terrace Senior Citizens Home. I have served on council for the past 2 1/2 years attending 95% of all regular council meetings. During this time I've held the position of finance chairman for my full term as councillor. I was Canada Day chairman this year and council representative on the Water front and Recreational Master plan committees Council has become very impor- tant to me and if elected, I look for- ward to working together to make improvements to our community. During this past term as council- lor many people voiced concerns to me on various issues, and I have always tried my hardest to 'help and will continue to if re-elected. On November 14th vote Joubert. Aguasabon Golf Club - Men's & Ladies Mike King I am currently a councillor in Terrace Bay. I've learned a great deal about municipal government and the basic operation of the town. I've addressed each issue with common sense and always kept the citizens best interests in mind, and I will do my best to improve basic ser- vices in town. In the new year, the Public Works Department is expecting delivery of a much-needed new snow plow. This long awaited piece of equipment will not only keep our streets clear of snow. It will be able to haul snow instead of blowing it on our lawns, resulting in a winter's accumulation of sand. Parking on Simcoe Plaza has become congested. We must work closely with our Chamber of Commerce to find a solution. Ron McBride Jr. My name is Ron McBride Jr. and I am running for the position of coun- cillor in the November 14,1988 Municipal Election. I am 36 years of age and was born and raised in Schreiber. Some of my concerns lie in the area of environment, which means a clean and safe environment for every- one. I also feel that when a new subdi- vision is opened up, completion should include paving and sidewalks. With our increasing population, improvements to our recreational facility is also a concern. I feel that the next three years are going to be an important time for the development of Schreiber, a time for a new voice with new ideas. Janet Moorey My name is Janet Moorey and I am standing for municipal council in Schreiber. I have lived in Schreiber since 1983. During this time, I have worked with and supported several communi- ty groups, including serving for the past three years on the Parks and Recreation Committee. I would like to extend my record of service by serv- ing you as a council member. On council, I plan to support pro- jects that will promote continued growth and development of our municipality. I have had a chance to speak with a few people about their concems. I can assure you that, in an effi- cient and professional manner, I will address these and any other concerns brought to me. I believe that my organizational skills, capacity for hard work and gen- uine concern for our community are qualities that will help me serve you best when I am elected to council on November 14. Joan Nugent My husband and I have lived in Terrace Bay for twenty-three years and both our children received their education here. I have been a long time educator and trustee in this com- munity and wish to present myself once again as a candidate for Public School Trustee on the Lake Superior Board of Education. I am presently vice-chairman of the board and chair- man of finance. If elected, I shall continue to mon- itor your tax dollars responsibly and as fairly as possible. I shall continue to promote innovative approaches to the delivery of education and be aware of and respond to the special needs of all students. I have the time and the commit- ment to this community and its peo- ple. By electing me as one of only two public school trustees represent- ing. the public school ratepayers of this town, you can be assured of con- tinued reliable representation, work- ing for the future of our children. On November 14, vote Joan Nugent. Page 7, News, Wednesday, November 9 , 1988 These are their stories Tom Quinton Once again I have submitted my name for town councillor and I would like to take this opportunity to ask you for your continued support on November I4th In the up-coming years many dif- ficult decisions will have to be made by Council. Some of these decisions will include such items as: . major expansion work is required on the sewer treatment plant. . a decision has to be rendered in regards to the Library and the hous- ing of the own hall the recreation complex is in need of major renovations . the subdivision requires servic- ing and paving . our roads and especially our sidewalks need improvements . a large majority of the culverts on Cooks Creek need replacement and enlargement in order to reduce Continued on page 9 rede aas. Se JN * wou OARD /3 / ie SEPARATE Term A intment The North of Superior District R.C.S.S. Board Requires a &/ resource person for Affirmative Action and Pay Equity tasks. This is a temporary term position lasting from six months to one year. -Post Secondary Education is desirable. -Some knowledge and familiarity with Affirmative Action, Women and Pay Equity issues. -Ability to relate to all staff administration, teachers, principals, secretarial and caretaking. -Good organizational skills. ~ -Ability to develop and prepare in-service for Background: various groups. -Bilingualism an asset. This will require travel within the Board's jurisdiction to attend and organize other meetings. Salary to be negotiated within the government grant provided. Applications outlining education, work experience and references should be submitted by November 11, 1988. Mr. George Matys P.O. Box 730 SCHREIBER, Ontario POT 2S0 (807) 824-3296 Director of Education E. Drozdowsky Chairperson G.J. Matys = __ _. 16 years of service DID YOU KNOW... We actively support, financially or donate trophies to - Schreiber Minor Baseball Both towns' Minor Hockey Terrace Bay Ringette Club Senior Men's N.B.C. Hockey - As well as various raffles, draws & donations to most of the local service our & charities. / M M / K U S. Involved in your community affairs! Lake Superior High School Activities North Shore Dive Club Mixed Bowling League Moose Dart League - Just to name a few