Page 6, News, Wednesday, September 7 , 1988 These Schreiber kids are finding their own kind of fun, thank you PUBLIC NOTICE! Don't buy a new car or truck until SEPTEMBER 13, 1988 when your North Superior Ford Dealer - makes a special announcement you won't want to miss! Boe ee ee ee cee By Rev. Bob Elkin With summer almost gone, the Schreiber Teen Talk group cele- brated its passing with a "Back to School Hop" at the Schreiber Recreation Centre. About 40 dedicated young RENCONTRE LES ELLES DU NORD "une fin de semaine organisee pour la femme francophone du nord-ouest de I'Ontario LES 16, 17 et 18 sept. 1988 _ aLonglac, Ont. vendredi le 16 septembre la salle du Curling, centre sportif 10h00 inscription et réception 14h00 repos samedi le 17 septembre ecole Notre Dame de Fatima 8h00 inscription déjeuner sur le pouce 4h00 conférence: La femme et la santé avec Mme Jeanne Maranda 10h00 pause santé 10h15 ateliers 12h15 diner 13h15 ateliers 15h15pause santé 15h30 ateliers 17h30 cocktail 18h00 souper 20h30 parade de mode '21h30 spectacle Carl Amyotte jeune humoriste 22h30 parade de mode 24h00 repos dimanchele 18 september ecole Notre Dame de Fatima 9h00 forum "Les Elles du Nord" et leur avenir brunch 12h00 fermeture ateliers 1. Carriére de bénévole; invitée: Mme Michelle Trottier, Ottawa; 2. Comment gérer son temps; 3. Vivre adéquatement sa ménopause: Mme Jeanne Maranda, Montréal; 4. Le nid vide; 5. Les autres groupes féminins; invitée: Mme Anne Proulx, Sudbury; 6. Retour au travail; invitee: Mme Anne Proulx, Sudbury; 7. Reprendre sa vie en main; invitée: Mme Raymonde Mercier, Thunder Bay; 8. Lajeune fille francophone; invitée: Mme Liliane Tremblay, Hearst. FRAIS D'INSCRIPTION: $30.00 pour les membres, $45.00:pour les non-members $15.00 pour les étudiantes du secondaire Les frais d'inscription inclus les ateliers, les repas, la garderie, les spectacles et la chambre et ne sont pas remboursables. Les trais d'inscription seront augmentés de $20.00 aprés le 13 septembre POUR PLUS D'INFORMATION CONTACTEZ LUCE FORTIN AU (807) 876-2778 ou 4231 ee Re ee ee ee ee oF a a ee a te eee hae eo fe ee ee eS dancers turned out to party their way Oui of summer and into fall. It was the latest event in a busy schedule run by the Schreiber group. Dances, a hike, a hobby night, and a barbeque supper and pool party have all been attended by those involved in Teen Talk. The approximate 30 members of Teen Talk, who are between 10 and 13 years of age, began mee:- ing six months ago. The group meets monthly to plan and carry out events and activities. This Friday, Sept. 9, the group will meet in the Anglican church hall for supper and an all-night Movie-rama. On Sept. 23 they will hold another dance at the Schreiber Public School. It is a busy time for an active group! The Royal Canadian Legion ATTENTION: MEMBERS!! There will be a GENERAL MEETING on Tuesday, September 13, 1988 in the New Legion Hall at 8:00 p.m. to discuss the Proposed New Clubroom. PLEASE MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO ATTEND! fteron The Sewing Nook Phone: 825-9555 | would like to thank all my supporting customers. Without the business in alterations and customer sewing and purchases my year would not our appreciation by inviting you to join us with a cup of coffee and refreshment on Wednesday, September 7. At this time we will be showing some of the new fabrics for fall, such as interlock, sweatsuit material, suiting materials, paisley, calico prints, plus baby panels of Precious Moments, hoop panels and a selection of craft notions, cushion forms and panels with a wide selection of lace. Also the new McCalls Fall kids patterns Sew Come On downstairs from the post office on Simcoe Plaza, Terrace Bay. be successful. we are showing have arrived. Please note - starting September 7, 1988 the store will be open Wednesday!! - Monday thru Saturday from 9:30 - 5:00 p.m. Thru the month of September there will be birthday specials, Sew keep in touch ce