Page 12, News, Wednesday, August 17, 1988 | Huge Bay savings on nes _ home entertainment AY nowuntil August 27 HOME SALE 'SAVE S40 SAVES60 = SAVESTIO. = SAVESTIO. | | | eal -- foe Eel ee Outstanding 14" Portable 20" Hitachi with remote 26" Console TV/remote RCA 28" Colortrak/remote Our reg. $499. Hitachi color TV with Our reg. $649. Sleek design TV, Our reg. $1009. Handsome woodgrain Our reg. $809. Big screen monitor with 19-function remote, automatic color multi-function channel remote, on- finish cabinet, tinted picture tube, ~ time/channel display and last channel control and sleep timer. (CT 1385) screen display, sleep timer. (MT275 1) 91 channel cap., sleep timer. (TS6313) recall, oak finish. (FMR710TR) SAVE $70 'SAVE 20° PeFUST Fuul SAVE £100 Sanyo 8mm camcorder/case Our reg. $1799. Fully automatic two- speed focus, date imprint, 6:1z00m, omni-directional microphone: (VMD3) SAVE $100 7 tm =) \ ree, P| ate tre! Sef on sy -- oe weccp ~~ - ae A mame ee, ms = ' & -- \ 'gERIDOX a "== | F120 i en A: Sanyo VHS VCR with remote Watch 2 piciures at once! Great buy! Fuji VCR tapes Our reg. $569. High-quality picture, Our reg. $799. Sanyo VCR with digital Our reg. 9.98. Stock up now on top- 1-yr./6-event timer, 6 auto functions, remote lets you view small picture quality blank VHS T- 120 video tapes. 2-spd. search, 114-channelcap.(VHR8110) _in any corner of TV screen! (VHR8220) Record your favorites now. (68625) SAVE $30 Lloyd's AM/FM/cassette Our reg. $189. 'Super Woofer' has i | JVC hi-fi stereo system Our reg. $849. Has turntable, AM/FM stereo receiver with 25 watt/channel output, dual cassettes, speakers. (RX 150) 4 AM/FM radio, 5-speaker sound, dual cassette with auto stop. (V433) _ Sanyo sportster with Dolby _.. Our reg. 104.98. AM/FM stereo cassette with graphic equalizer, auto stop and reverse. Twin duct headphones. (MGR85) Sanyo portable radio/tape Our reg. $259. AM/FM double cassette system, fully automatic with 5-band graphic EQ, detachable speakers. (C33) --~ | alist ! fy | Now Available 1988/89 Selections Catalogue | 166 Pages of New and Exciting Items. Pick your copy up at our Office. August Special: With any order placed catalogue during August 1988, You will receive a Loto Quebec Scratch Ticket with a chance to win a free ticket or cash prizes from $2.00 to $50,000.00. Copies are limited. 4 DHudsons Bay Pick yours up To-Day IF YOU CAN FIND A LOWER ADVERTISED PRICE, LET US KNOW ELL YATCH Teo = NORTHERN STORES eS SES IN TOWN WELL arcu fr Seo ALL REDUCTIONS IN THIS FLIER ARE BASED ON SELECTED, REGULAR-PRICED MERCHANDISE IN STOCK. QUANTITIES MAY VARY FROM STORE TO STORE AND MAY NOT BE AS SHOWN.