Dear John: John Deere Answers Your Lawn and Garden Woes Garden Game Plan Dear John: I'd like to take a jump shot at vegetable gardening, but I'm not sure how to score points. What should I do first? Dear Hot Shot: Make sure you have a full-court garden strategy before you start putting holes in the ground. Take a few time-outs to find a place in your yard with good drainage and full sun, or at least 8 to 10 hours of direct sun- light a day. The ball's in your court as to how many vegetables you want to plant and maintain. Study seed catalogs and make a list of the vegetables you like, and contact your local nursery for information on planting, and whether to start with seeds or transplants. Mark the perimeter of the new seedbed and remove grass from the area. Cover the seedbed with organic matter like peat moss, compost or manure, and with about I'4 pounds of 10-10-10 fer- tilizer for every 10 square meters of garden area. Then tillin organic . matter and fertilizer 15 to 20 cm deep. Use stakes and string to make straight rows, and plant seeds at a depth of no more than three times their diameter. Cover the seeds and firm the soil to prevent rain from washing them away. Then water gently and wait for your backyard to give you a vegetable garden advantage. Dear John: I want to do a time and motion study for feeding my lawn. When's the best time to fertilize and how much should I apply? Dear Efficiency Aficionado: Fertilizing the lawn should be at the top of a homeowner's "to do" list each spring. A late spring feeding replen- ishes the nutrients used in the first FISHERIES MANAGEMENT PARTNERS IN DEVELOPMENT The planning process of the Geraldton District Fisheries Management Plan (1988 - 2000) is at the second stage of public review. We view the development of this plan as a partnership with you, the public. You are invited to participate by reviewing the Draft Plan, and by providing us with your comments. Open houses and question- naires have been prepared to assist you in the review process. Please accept this as an invitation to attend one or more of the three scheduled OPEN HOUSES which will initiate the Public Review of the Draft Plan. Public input will be reviewed and ana- lyzed, and used in the preparation of the Final Plan. OPEN HOUSES Geraldton Canadian Legion Tuesday, May 10 6 pm - 9pm Nakina Recreation Compisk Wednesday, May 11 6pm-9pm Longlac Community Centre Thursday, May 12 6pm -9 pm If you would like more information, please contact: Ministry of District Manager Natural Ministry of Natural Resources R ais P. O. Box 640 Ontario oct Geraldton, Ontario POT 1MO Vincent G. Kerrio _ Minister . Telephone: (807) 854-1030 GESTION DES PECHES TRAVAILLONS ENSEMBLE Le processus de planification du Plan de gestion des péches du district de Geraldton (1988 - 2000) en est a sa deuxiéme étape d'examen public. La gestion des ressources nous tient tous a coeur, alors travaillons ensemble! Nous vous invitons a participer au processus de gestion en examinant le Plan et en nous soumettant vos commentaires. Des journées d'accueil et des questionnaires ont été prévus pour vous aider a cet effet. Nous vous invitons donc a assister a l'une des trois JOURNEES D'ACCUEIL au cours desquelles vous pourrez examiner le contenu du Plan -provisoire. Les com- mentaires recueillis seront utilisés lors de la préparation du Plan final. JOURNEES D'ACCUEIL Localité Endroit Date Heure Geraldton Légion le mardi 10 mai 18ha2th canadienne Nakina Complexe le mercredi 11 mai 18ha2th récréatif : Longlac Centre le jeudi 12 mai 18ha2th communautaire Pour de plus amples renseignements, communiquez avec le: Directeur de district Ministére des Richesses Ministére des Vincent G. Kerrio ' Ministre naturelles ee C.P. 640 Onten naturelles Geraldton (Ontario) ntario POT 1MO Télé: 807-854-1030 flush of growth. A fall feeding is also important because it gives the lawn a chance to store food that will help it survive the winter months and get off to a good start next spring. When fertilizing, always be sure to follow the directions for usage listed on the bag's label. In gen- eral, use a fértilizer with at least a 3-|-2 ratio of nitrogen to phos- phorus to potassium, and apply one pound of actual nitrogen for every 100 square meters of lawn. Dear John: I want only the best for my flower garden. How can I keep its soil in great planting condition? Dear Mothering Nature: To make your soil the best it can be, add organic matter such as peat moss, sawdust, manure or com- post in the spring and fall. Organic matter will loosen the soil and create large pores for better air, water and drainage capacity. In the spring, spread a thin 2.5 cm layer of organic matter over the soil (don't till it in), and in the fall, spread organic matter about 5 to 10 em thick. 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