Members of the Smurf Bowling Club left to right, front row: Dustin Moore,Nicole Falzetta, Josephine Sechesky, Alexander Ross, Katie Maenpaa, Krystal Pelto Second row:Kyle Burns, Kristin Boucher, Aleandra Stasula, Mathew Schroeder, Jennifer Queery, Dane Schell Third row: Siobhan Falzetta, Stacey Querry, Emily Maenpaa, Amber Pelto, Amy Schroeder Hey Brother! Can you spare a strike? Page 9, News, Wednesday, March 23, 1988 Final Standings for Schreiber N.B.C. Hockey continued from page 7 singing the time away," hey remember that son Mom used to sing with us? How did it go any- way?" And to the Irish Club and the Irish Tavern Singers, thanks for bringing back some good memo- ries. To those of you who missed the annual St. Patricks Day Warm League Team G.F. G.A. W L T Pts Superiors 204 181 17 11 2 36 Diesels 191 159 14 14 1 29 Sabres 166 221 11 IF 1 23 Player & Team Goals Assists Pts L. McParland,. Sabres 43 38 81 S. Ross, Diesels 25 : 47 ip: D. Webb, Diesels 33 34 67 D. Filane, Superiors 31 22 53 D. O'Connor, Sups. ee 29 31 D. Amnstrong, Sups. 28 16 44 B. Logan, Superiors 23 15 ; 38 G. McKenzie,Diesels 20 18 38 _M-Miller, Diesels 15 23 38 D. Ross, Sabres 21 16 i J. Martin, Diesels 12 25 37 The View from the Kitchen Sink Up you missed a lot of fun but don't worry there's always next year. And as the person responsi- ble for remembering all the words (that's what happens when you can't carry a tune or play a musi- cal instrument) I've started work- ing on a songbook for next year! My memory just ain't what it used to be! The Smurf Bowlers (age 2-5 years) had a great time and would like to thank the following smurf supporters: + To the Smurfs' parents who cakes for Valentine's Day came out to help every week. ak Tp Reid's Engraving for fhe * To the Terrace Bay Rec Centr ving onthe medal- and to Dean Main Bak smurfing lions hours donated. . ecial thanks to the Terrace *To Debbie and Wayne bay Five Pin Bowling Association Papineau for the fmnurfy héart © for all their smurfy support. TVOntario needs you TVOntario's Northwestern Regional Council asks for applications from the Schreiber and Terrace TVOntario a besoin de vous TVOntario recherche des bénévoles des LEN'S R.V. SALES is proud to ANNOUNCE : their new department of Marine Equipment & Accessories COME & SEE Jack Whiteman for SALES & Bill Heinrich for SERVICE = A 1300 West Walsh St. Thunder Bay 475-7123 Bay areas to join its advisory council. TVO's 75 volunteer regional councillors, in five councils, meet regularly in their regions to advise TVOntario on their communities' needs and to increase awareness of TVO's programs and services. They also help organize local workshops and meetings on the use of the educational television services. TVOntario regional councillors are appointed for terms of up to three years, renewable once. If you wish to volunteer or would like to nominate someone, please send résumés by 30 March 1988 to: : régions de Schreiber et Terrace Bay pour siéger a son Conseil régional du Nord-Ouest. Les 75 membres bénévoles des cing conseils régionaux de TVOntario se réunissent a intervalles réguliers, chacun dans sa région, et représentent les intéréts de-leur collectivité auprés de TVOntario tout en tenant leurs communautés au courant des émissions et des services de TVO. Ils participent également a l'organisation de réunions et dateliers d'utilisation de la télévision éducative. Les membres des conseils régionaux sont nommeés pour une période de trois ans, mandat renouvelable une seule fois. TVOntario ~~" c/o Suzanne Grew Ellis Box 200, Station Q Toronto M4T 271 Tel.: 1-800-387-8450 ext. 2615 TVOntario M4T 271 Devenez membre du Conseil régional du Nord- Quest dés aujourd'hui. Les curriculum vitae des candidats -- vous- méme ou un autre bénévole dont vous voudriez nous soumeitre le nom -- doivent étre expédiés avant le 30 mars 1988 a l'adresse suivante : a/s de Suzanne Grew Ellis C.P. 200, succursale Q Toronto (Ontario) Tél. : 1-800-387-8450, poste 2615 at See your local Greyhound agent for details. _ Greyhound Easter special. Save 50% on your next hop. This Easter, you're just a hop, skip and a jump from where you want to be with Greyhound. Buy 1 full fare round trip ticket during the period of March 3]st - April 4th and receive an Easter holiday coupon entitling you up to 1/2 off your next return trip* Greyhound Canada + "Value of the coupon is the lesser of 50% of the original purchase price or 50% of the second ticket price. The second return trip must be taken between the dates of April 5 and June 21, 1988, excluding the period of May 20 to 23, 1988.