Wednesday, June 25, 1986 errace Ba schreibo™. pretty Vol. 41, No. 25 Serving Terrace Bay, Schreiber and Rossport 35° Budworm report requested League postpones decision The problem of spruce and jackpine budworm in- festations in northern Ont- ario forests was discussed at length at the quarterly meeting of the Thunder Bay District Municipal League held in Schreiber on June 21, but the League decided to defer any "pub- lic stand" until its next meeting, which is schedul- ed for this September. ""We' a bit of a bind with this right now,"' Mike Power, League President explained. "The Ministry (of Natural Resources) is not prepared to move. We will be getting more reports by our next meeting, so by then we may be prepared to take a stand for next year's season." The League, in the past, has asked the provincial government and MNR to use both chemical and bio- logical sprays in its bud- worm control programs, but the government won't take a positive stand on chemical spraying, Power noted. Ribbon cutting (?) "The outcry from en- vironmentalists' was too much for them,"' he said. '*Our local member (Lake Nipigon riding MPP Gilles Pouliot of the NDP) is in favour of chemical spray- ing, but the NDP caucus is not, and neither is Larry Grossman (leader of the Official Opposition)."" Power said the conflict seems to boil down to one between the north and south, with northern res- idents in favour of both chemical and_ biological An old news photographer's trick at ribbon cutting ceremonies is to dull the scissors being used to give the photographer plenty of time to snap a good picture. That wasn't done here, but both Terrace Bay Reeve Ollie Chapman, centre, and Schreib- er-Councillor Ed Borutski, at right, had plenty of trouble cutting through the rib- bon anyway at the official opening of the Canada Employment Centre for Students in Schreiber and Terrace Bay on June 19. At left is the centre's Placement Of- ficer, Jacki Speziale. The centre is located at the Schreiber Recreation Complex. Town receives grant A community planning grant of $4,900 has been awarded to Terrace Bay, Municipal Affairs Minister Bernard Grandmaitre ann- ounced on June 17. He noted the grant will be used by the township to prepare amendments to its Official Plan. According to a Ministry news release, community planning grants are design- ed to encourage municipal- ities to resolve land use planning ussues to reflect municipal and economic priorities. The grants may also be used for special studies to develope community im- provement policies; to de- termine the feasibility of using data processing tech- nology in the local plann- ing process; and to assist in implementing the Planning Act, the release added. spray and those in the south against chemical spraying. Marathon Reeve Wendy continued on page 2 By Conrad Felber A resolution from the host town of Schreiber re- - garding a recent Ontario Hydro bulletin was pre- sented and supported by the Thunder Bay District Mun- icipal League at its quarter- ly meeting held on June 21. Schreiber Council, when it originally passed the re- solution at a meeting held earlier this month, was re- sponding to the bulletin which announced that On- tario Hydro was withdraw- ing its special permission to use arc welding equipment to thaw water lines. The bulletin went on to note that only CSA (Cana- dian Standards Associa- tion) certified electrical thawing equipment is to be used from now on. Bob Krause, Schreiber Councillor, was on hand at the meeting to speak in favour of the resolution. He explained that his municipality is down to on- ly three such thawings per winter and that the town simply does not wish to go to the expense of buying special thawing equipment. '*The cost of this equip- New NDC announced Northern Development and Mines Minister Rene Fontaine has announced appointments to one more Northern Development Council. (NDC) in nor- thwestern Ontario. Superior-North becomes the third council to be established across northern Ontario, and according to a June 17 Ministry News release, the council will cover the Terrace Bay - Schreiber area. The NDC will act as sounding boards and ad- visory bodies to the On- tario government on reg- ional economic issues, op- portunities and concerns. Terrace Bay Reeve Ollie Chapman is a member of the group. continued on page Z In the bucket All students at Terrace Bay Public School took part in Play Day on June 18, held as a reward of sorts for making it through another school year. There were a num- ber of different games and activities, including the traditional bucket toss shown here. Because of the weight of the ball used in the game, an assistant had to be enlisted to hold the bucket upright during shot attempts. Hydro criticized for policy ment is astronomical,"' the President of the League, Mike Power agreed, add- ing that such machinery can cost between $60,000 and $70,000. He said the best course of action might be to call Ontario Hydro's bluff. **They can't tell us what to do with our water line,"' Power said. ""What are they going to do to us? When I get a letter like this, I wonder if they (Hydro) are even going to be look- ing around for this."' The Schreiber motion noted that the cost for ap- proved ins is * ey expensive, indeed prohibit- ive for small municipalities (and) the practice of using municipal water lines to ground electrical systems is allowed in the present E]l- ectrical Code, and has been permitted by Ontario Hyd- ro for some time." "*Personally, I say to Ontario Hydro, get your grounding off our water supply," Krause said. The motion concluded that Ontario Hydro, the Ontario Fire Marshal, and various provincial Minis- tries will be petitioned to establish a program where- by funds will be made av- OROACE BAT MUNA OF, | ailable to municipalities to defray the cost of purchas- ing certified electrical thawing machines. '*Hydro should put some money into this system if we have to buy it," Krause told the League. The resol- ution was then put to a vote and:it was supported unan- imously. The Municipal League is an association representing various northwestern On- tario municipalities, in- cluding Schreiber, Terrace Bay, Geraldton, Longlac, Manitouwadge, Marathon, Nakina, Nipigon, Thunder Bay, and Red Rock. Bike and van Francois Duchesne, 24, stopped at the Terrace Bay Municipal Offices on June 18 to end one leg of his "Miles for Wishes" Bike-A-Thon across Canada for the Children's Wish Foundation. He started the voyage, accompanied by an assis- tant in this van, from Halifax on May 16 and plans to arrive at Expo 86 in Van- couver on July 30. While in town, Francois and his assistant stayed free of charge at the Red Dog Inn, courtesy of the management. (Photograph by Conrad Felber)