Terrace Bay Recreation News: for week of April 2, 1986: There is once again a desire of some interested citizens to form a Com- munity Band. At one time such a band existed under the name of the "Terrace Bay Com- munity Concert Band". When this group ceased to exist, most of the music and instruments were not returned as there was no actual party to return them to. We ask that anyone knowing the whereabouts of these instruments and music to please contact Terry Bryson at the Recreation Office or Bill Houston at the High School. The misplaced music and instruments "is essential for the continua- tion of this band. The new group of per- sons involved in forming the band now meet on Thursday evenings ai the igh School. We are ask- ing anyone from Terrace Bay or Schreiber who is experienced in music and wishes to become involved to come out on Thursdays and join the group. Fun Run Walk: The Annual North Shore Director Fun Run Walk is less than two months away and we all remember how the title was awarded last year. The community with the largest percentage of their population involved received the banner. The banner is presently displayed at the Schreiber Recreation Centre. Watch out Schreiber here we come! Next year the ban- ner will be located at the Terrace Bay Recreation Centre. My counterpart in Schreiber has ensured me that the banner will stay in Schreiber and he will go to all ends to ensure this! Well the challenge begins! Terrace Bay residents, we encourage you to join our Milers Club to prepare our community for the upcoming event. Racquetball Tournament: The Racquetball Tour- nament was completed on March 24 with Roland Crevier being victorious over Bob Gugelyk in the final set. Winners of the draw were John Rowe - racquet, John Grandin - sport glasses, and Keith Clinic to start The Thunder' Bay District Health Unit has an- nounced that it will begin a weekly Traveller's Clinic starting on April 17, accor- ding to a news release from the organization. The release, from Health Promotion Program Plan- ner Kathy Kontak, and dated March 24, noted that the clinic will be conducted at the Health Unit's 999 Balmoral Street office in Thunder Bay every Thurs- day from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Each traveller. will be seen by appointment. All the required or recom- mended inoculations will be given as well as a prescription for Malaria protection where indicated. The only cost to the traveller will be payment for those vaccines not pro- vided by the Ministry of Health. Counselling will also be given by a physician who has access to the latest recommendations and _ re- quirements for travel to all countries, the release added. For more information and appointments, please phone 625-5944 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. HOCKEY SCHOOLS 1986 18 YEARS OF INSTRUCTION "The Personal Touch" FOR BOYS 8 - 16 YEARS *3 hours ice daily plus field & classroom "Maximum 30 skaters plus 4 goalies/ group *Progressive ice instructional program "Complete ice & field evaluation report * New advanced skills program (Advancea 'okilis) FOR BROCHURE: TWO - 1 WEEK SESSIONS & ONE - 2 WEEK SESSION August 4 - August 9 - 1 Week August 11 - August 23 - 2 Weeks August 25 - August 30 - 1 Week at the Port Arthur Arena Brochure. may be picked up at Recreation Centres in Nor- | | thwestern Ontario, Arenas and Sport Shops in Thunder Bay | | | | I a ae ee | | SEND TO: | | SUPERIOR HOCKEY SCHOOLS : 672 Strachan Crescent | | | | | | | Thunder Bay. Ontario P7C 5K8 Ph. 1-807-577-4465 Milne - racquetball, wrist bands and headband. Con- gratulations to all who participated. Parent Link: What is it? Who can.at- tend? Where is it? Parent Link is-a prescribed pro- gram put on by local volunteers and for the citizens of Terrace Bay and Schreiber. Anyone can at- tend that is interested in parenting concerns. There is absolutely no registration fee. Sessions will be held April 7 and.9, and April 14 and 16 at 7 p.m. in the High School Library. We hope that you will plan to attend and participate with others. Programs: Most of the spring courses are either under- way or finished. There are a few that will be taking Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, April 2, 1986, page 5 Interest in forming Community Band increasing in TB place in the next several months. Drying Plants: (Eleanor Gould) May 3 is the date set for this one day seminar, which will show the par- ticipant how to dry and care for different plants to be used later for decorating purposes. You will also be shown how to make a Pot Pourri. Times for the seminar are 10 a.m. to 12 noon and | to 4 p.m. Intro to Flower Arranging: (Eleanor Gould) The first session of this program is totally booked but there is a possibility of having another session. If you are interested in lear- ning this beautiful art of ar- ranging silk flowers into a creative masterpiece give the Recreation Centre a call today. Pre Retirement Planning: (Ministry of Tourism and Recreation) There will be an in- troductory session of this program held either at the end of April or the start of May, with a following full course to be presented in the Fall. The questions fac- ing those who will be retir- ing and those planning for their retirement will be covered in this informative program. GREATE ANEW JOB FOR AYOUNG PERSON AND WE'LL PAY YOU 91.25 AN HOUR. Business or farm,you could qualify if you hire a young person whos between DB and 24 this summer The program runs from April 4 to October IS. Application deadline 1s June 6. The Ontario Youth Employment Program 1s very popular, so youd be wise to move NOW There are other qualifications. 16 learn about them and to get both _ brochure and application forms,call our toll free hottine:|-§Q0-387-1290 Vi summer jobs for Ontarios young people. Ministry of Skills Development Gregory Sorbara Ontario Minister