ait ber 4, 1985 Page 4, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wed y, Dec ~~ The Terrace Bay-Schreiber News is published every Wednesday by: : Laurentian Publishing Co. Ltd., Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario, POT 2W0. . Terrace Bay Schreiber | Telephone: (807) 825-3747. CR OR ee a ae es ee ae Marilyn MoQuin BOVERTISING. 2.22. Se ee es eee Gigi Dequanne ' OGMCE 2 Se ee eee eee SS Gayle Fournier PRODUCTION MANAGER ................................ Mary Melo Editorial Let's talk statistics December 1-7 is National Safe Driving Week. 1985 Campaign theme, ** Young Canadians are Responsible Drivers"' - '"Help us Prove it!*' Let's talk statistics. In Canada there is a large number of young people killed and injured in highway collisions. About 1,500 Canadian teenagers die each year in traffic crashes - the number one killer of young people today. According to police reports, the most dangerous time frame is from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. The combination of teenagers and automobiles is often thought to be a fatal one. The Canada Safety Council encourages teenagers to help change that image, if young drivers must drink, don't drive. Arrange alternative transportation. The problem is that young drivers are inexperienced, lack good judgement, often drink and drive, are willing to take risks and exhibit feelings of aggression and alienation while driving. What can be done - the major emphasis must include parental supervision com- bined with safety education programs. Heavy financial penalties and license suspensions, universal alcohol and drug control policies and procedures, special insurance schemes with incentives for safe driving and school based projects, such as Students Against Drunk Drivers. Remember - wear your seat belt; by not wearing it, your risk of injury in- creases 4 times. Don't drink and drive: by driving impaired your chances of causing a fatal collision are 17 times greater and drive defensively: be wary of other drivers, the road conditions and your abilities. 'Traffic crashes are a preventable waste of life, health and money."' customer groups are, in fact, uniform across the province. The rates charg- ed to their customers by in- | it "No Nonsense" Tips Mr. Gilles M.P.P. Lake Nipigon Room 213 Main Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A2 Pouliot, Dear Mr. Pouliot: Thank you for your let- ter of October 15, 1985 on Star Wars under attack the subject of Ontario Hydro rates. I trust you will by now have heard that on October 3, 1985 the Ontario Hydro Board of Directors decid- ed on a 4.0 per cent average increase to its customers effective January 1, 1986. In adop- ting an increase lower than that recommended by the Ontario Energy Board and more in line with the rate of inflation projected for 1986, the Hydro Board has tried to respond to the needs of the Ontario economy, particularly to those of hard-pressed industries. You should note that the rates Ontario Hydro charges its different dividual municipal utilities do differ, however, owing to differences in local costs incurred by the utilities. I assure you that I shall continue to do everything in my power to eradicate inequities and improve the quality of electrical service throughout the province. Yours sincerely, Vincent G. Kerrio Minister Add a tablespoon of vinegar to the water when boiling tough meat. Line the bottom of your vegetable compartment with paper towels or place a few dry sponges in with the vegetables. Either will absorb excess moisture and keep vegetables fresh. Grated potatoes often discolour in just a few minutes. To prevent this, add a little sour cream to the grated potatoes. Thick ketchup is great, but you can't wait forever to get it onto your plate! Try this - push a drinking straw all the way into the bottle, remove, then pour. The straw will admit enough air to start the ketchup flowing. If the rim of a glass is slightly chipped, file it down with an emery board. Dab a cotton ball in wintergreen oil and hide somewhere in the room. The room will stay fresh for months. Wintergreen oil is available at drug stores, and is very inexpensive. Sew buttons on children's clothing with dental floss - it's much tougher than thread. George Lucas is cheesed off and I can't say I blame him. Lucas, you may remember, is the sci-fi Czar of Celluloid who singlehandedly lofted etymological phenomena such as Wookies, Darth Vader, lightsabres and Jedi Knights into orbit around the English language. Lucas is the man who put the movie Star Wars on the screen, and therein lies the rub. George Lucas has just gone to court in the U.S. to try _ and get Star Wars back. Not just the movie -- just the phrase. George Lucas is outraged because the phrase "Star Wars" is being used to describe the missle- defence system that President Reagan adores and Soviet leader Gorbachev abhors. The correct name for that lit- tle spaced-out fantasy is Strategic Defence Initiatives Plan, but reporters sensed early on that anything with a name like that would put audiences to sleep faster than a Beachcombers rerun. Accordingly, White House flacks conspired to dub the system "Star Wars."' Neat, huh? Not to George Lucas. For one thing, Lucas holds a whole fistful of patents on the Star Wars name. For another, he wasn't that crazy about Reagan's ride "em cowboy approach to global peace in the first place. What's really got Lucas steamed is a commercial that's getting a lot of airplay in the U.S. right now. It's a syrupy, 60-second paean of praise for President Reagan's galactic ploy which uses Muzak, cutesy-poo kids' voices and a couple of references to Star Wars to try and sell the plan. Lucas'cried foul and went to court. The court cried "too bad, George"' and ruled that, like Kleenex and Aspirin, the phrase Star Wars had become a noun. If it's any consolation to George Lucas, he's not the first person to have a brainchild turn into a kind of Frankenstein comes to mind, for one. So does a 19th century American feminist who shocked and appalled the stolid burghers of Seneca, N.Y. by appearing in public wearing an outlandish pair of pantaloons. The model's name was Amelia Jenks Bloomer. Her name became the garment. And there was that-sleazy rent col- lector who tried to squeeze rent money out of impoverished Irish te- nant farmers. The farmers had no weapons and no political clout, but they invented a new and effective method of resistence: they simply and silently. ignored the rent collector whenever he came around. The technique worked so well it became famous by the name of the man it was used against -- Capt. Charles Boycott. We musn't forget the German engineer who designed that brand new engine -- his name was Rudolph __ Diesel. And of course the well-known Parisian doctor who not only oppos- ed the cruelty of death by hanging, he offered an alternative. Dr. Joseph Guillotin, he was called. And there was a Belgian craftsman by the name of Antoine Joseph Sax who invented guess-which musical instrument. John Montagu belongs on this list as well. Montague was a none-too- lily-white member of British aristocracy back in the eighteenth century. Among sundry other un- savory character traits, Montagu was a compulsive gambler... so addicted to cards that he refused to leave the table, even to eat. Instead, he left in- structions to his servant to appear at his elbow from time to time bearing a slice of meat crammed between two pieces of bread. John Montagu had a title, by the way. He was an Earl. The Fourth Earl of Sandwich. : So George Lucas, at least you're in good company with your Star Wars plight. And you should (you'll par- don the expression) thank your lucky stars that Reagan and his posse aren't calling it the Lucas Wars Defence System. At any rate, I notice that you haven't surrendered, George. The newspapers say your lawyers manag- ed to wring a concession out of the judges for a "more complete hear- ing' into the Star Wars question at a later date. We're. with you George -- good luck at your hearing. Or, more in keeping with the spirit of things, may the Force be with you.