si USELESS EUSTACE Cous!IN My BACKS % HE i GIMME A ------ee WALL USELESS 6 SHEET OF YO WANT TO WASTE CRN YOU LEND \ oo ae My STATIONERY 2 YOUR PooR causin o You & $75°? 2? YOU'LL J AD NOTE AS WELL AS MY MONEY & GET 'T BACK wr Fore HE i) : 7, AK aMOUN ©" fa Saye Rhos oP Of _ oO x 4 Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, August 14, 1985, page 9 R.E. Belluz Realty'Limited Simcoe Plaza, Box 715 ARIES Mar. 21 - Apr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20 - May 20 GEMINI May 21 - June 20 CANCER June 21 - July 22 LEO July 23 - Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23 - Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23 - Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23 - Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19 - Mar. 20 Be alert| There's a chance that you could be cheated in a money transaction. Caution is the answer. Extravagance will put your budget in the red if you don't exercise control. Last week's indecision is this week's problem. Put anxiety aside, time will take care of it. A friend needs real help and you're elected. It takes a small amount of time, so don't begrudge it. A financial emergency puts you ina tailspin. Try not to panic... it is solvable. Business takes a back seat to your social life this week. A change in routine helps you function better than ever. It is not easy to say NO, but in.this case, you'll be wise to do so, and save headaches. The new ideas you've had about your job should be put into practice now. Higher ups ore impressed. Seeking advice from others You are capable. Rely more on yourself. could be troublesome. Your free time increases and sodoes your disposition. All the more time to spend with friends and family. Avoid tempermental outbursts. They seldom canac- complish anything. Fullfillment of dreams happens - you are surprised. Your happiest times are spent with congenial friends at home. Cherish yours - they're hard to find. Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2WO PRATTLE & TATTLE DIO YOU EXPECT ME TO} =~ WILL YOU TAKE IT WITH YOU? SEND THE RATS_OVER 'D LIKE SOME RA Jit POISON, PLEASE. = pi FM. Or 7 4 AFTER iT? \ You Can't Beat The Classifieds By Uncle Cabb Shinn [ Kiddies-Can-Do-It an ates a Oy KANG ° Deser{ Wasies Y Snow and Ice~ Diakn @ Made TOWN TOPICS SIR, MY WIFE..ER... TOLO ME I MUSTASK YOU FOR AN [-- WELL, I'LL ASK MY wire IF I CAN GIVE YOU ONE! 199 Shien ¢ THE Boss We as j WY. . INCREASE, /-- LMOST all bears like to climb trees, but here is one that doesn't, for he lives in a land where there are no.trees. He does not have berries and nuts, so he lives on fish and young birds, but most of all hc would rather have a seal for a meal. While he is heavy and clumsy in appearance, he can run very fast on the ice and is a very fine swimmer. If you could see the soles of his feet, you would notice that they are covered with hairy bristles. These prevent his say from slipping and-allows him to walk easily and firmly on Iv WAS AGAINST THE LAW TO SNORE IN 9 HOUSE , With OTHER DWELLERS | IN_ EARLY COLORADO!' OFFENDERS HAD TO SLEEP ON THE ~ ROOF ....coR Tau! Ls SPIRITUALIST PROF. HUFNAIL IT'S AMAZIN ; As 2 HINDU MYSTIC, HAS SAT NAKED = AND SILENT FOR 5O YEARS! (Bomery, 1n0IA) Ts FRENCH- INDO- CHINA THERE B Bomper's Nose ANO tHe GUNNERS TURRETS ARE MADE OF PLASTICS MANUFACTURED FROM COTTON LINTERS! IS A SPECIES OF MIDGET THAT CLIMB TREES IN SEARS TENDER LEANES! NO, DAVE COULDN'T RIDE WITH- OUT HOLDING THE HANDLE Just For CHALCHAS OF ANCIENT GREECE DIED FROM LAUGHTER, WHEN THE DAY THAT WAS PREDICTED 10 BE HIS DEATH DAY CAME AROUND AND THE PREDICTON DID Nor SEEM TO MATERIALIZE / Fun! CROSSWORD jon week's Anewer ACROSS 3. Soil 25. Sea 1. Bounders 4, Body of eagle | eon need % 26. S d, < : god ced babeoe ound, Pcie Ne mMIuISsle|o} 9. Nettlelike 5. Relieved asa ode GUmmec plant of 6. Like a wing bugle AIO} fOlUIT] PIA Asia 1. Vex 27. Abyss [jelrle|RIS Mme lA[S|¥] 10. Fragrant 8. U. S. decora- 28. Title of MAILICIHE|M| | wood tion respect eq0e seer ' P idi 1. 0} z 12. Shadow 9 Oxidizes, as (p 2. aT TPTPLOINIIC TAIEIE] 13. Siberian iron 30. Article simiricle mmc ieiIclel antelope 11. The beach of BIL lElO MEH | [ole] 14. Blemish 15. Offer value OILIAIS MEAIPIE Ix] 15. A divided 17. Low island 33. Greet CIN EM A city 20. Honest 34. River of 36. Head of 16. Tantalum 21. Soak flax Italy Church of (sym. ) 22. Back 35. Jewish Rome 17. Young goat 23. Past month 38. Mr. Landon , 18. Old Dutch fora app as out Gabber.) rie Ee tT TE YZ (otal 19. Trapped IA "0 the best in 32. coming ? Y] n levices 7 ew theatre releases 24. Comply 12 Gs 25. Therefore vy WY is 825-3771 26. Internal YZ fruit decay le V7 /\\7 V/V //)\8 27. Trial im- WHO WO pressions 19 20 ]21 V7 /\22 123 (print.) o Z S 29. Behold! 24 25 THE LOBBY Eat peez , %, 31. Music note ze ZY 27 28 who knows 32. Terrified see LL Wwe movie tt 35. Copier 29 vies Better 37. Scorches GD, (VA (VA, VHS & Beta 38. Worship Epa 33 [34 Yad 3e rent 39. Threefold L als 40.-- lazuli >? V/A? 41. Vent Aas 42. Worry ss Y 825-9281 DOWN ey Oy 42 Vp 1. Bell ringers VA LZ 2. Large pulpit