ex you CALL AFRICAN ITU DENASTATE YOU": DASHING ASTRO-DESTINY -- "MOWARD THAT AN NEAR "THE ARA EXCHING EXPERIENCE ? QUARTERS , WHEN TEL WELL, USTEN To SLDDENY A Wer' HAPPENED TO FIERCE-LOOKING ME ONCE, IN ALGIERS, NATIVE WITH Yep (ite ae om ARIES Mar. 21 - Apr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20 - May 20 GEMINI May 21 - June 20 CANCER June 21 -. July 22 LEO July 23 - Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23 - Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23 - Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23 - Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19 - Mar. 20 ©TML74 Jealousy can wreck a valued relationship. The clock will be against you. You work hard and still cannot keep up. - Watch out for an overly emotionai state in a relation whd is close to you. A firm hand is needed. Your imagination can play havoc with you. Brooding will get you nowhere. Think positively! Frivolity seems to be utmost this week. Take time and really enjoy yourself. The serious things will be' second. ZF xr Just Wore} ee MYSELF OUT }F LING A GUY A HAIR-RAISING see Jur s Zdanovskis R.E. Belluz Realty Limited Simcoe Plaza, Box 715 Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2WO Office (807) 825-9393 PRATTLE & TATTLE WELL, MRS, BROWN, IT'S GOOD TO SEE YOU UP ANDO AROUND YOU KNOW WHEN I WAS OPERATED ON THEY GAVE ME ETHER TWICE. I GUESS THEY HAD TO. ONCE TO PERFORM THE OPERATION, AND ONCE TO KEEP HER FROM TALKING ABOUT IT. a Your moods vary so much this week that you will not be the easiest person to live with. It's a good time © to seek solitude. Distractions are many this week. Don't be deterred from your main purpose. Perseverance pays off. You unbend in your feelings for others, and itis a great improvement towards family relationships. Relying on one's self is not the only answer. Others are only to eager to assist you. Don't try to run the whole show. Not only is it im- possible, but it could be hazardous to your health. Your good deeds are mounting and the benefits are shared with older folks. Helping others is in reality helping yourself. You must place emphasis on the long range plans for you and your family. Now is the time to give a great deal of thought -- to your future. You can succeed if you are willing to make sacrifices. a waterbed expensive jewellery a freezer firearms : fine afts expensive sports equipment If they didn't and you do, are you covered? Insurance is more than just a policy, it should be the peace of mind that comes from dealing with a broker who you know has all the bases covered. INSURANCE saacearioll it's Shoreline for sure! ONTARIO There's More To Insurance Call 825-9492 afternoons Than Just a Policy Monday - Saturday SHORELINE INSURANCE BROKERAGE LIMITED The last time you bought insurance for your home did anyone aks you if you have When it comes to insurance, ROSE Kiddies-Can-Do-lt 2% KRo\™'> PURPOSE' hy AMB 7 HMM / LOOKS LIRE PRICES Se oo. roe DO | Ts ga make - aan hat a 'in ane --_ of ice and ae snow. Carefully cut out the pieces and tr: em together 2 V 2 ate Bracing treet hoy bin 2 to see if you recoguize the animal, r at 4 Sy L444 : : : *10° Weekly Crossword ba . First correct crossword drawn from all entries received by noon 4 this Friday at Terrace Bay/Schreiber News. ka a NAME! 22 SS ea . : g <n PHONE... ....... <0.) eee eer oe. TOWN-TOPICS WHATEVER MAKES YOU SAY |Z | WELL, HE AIN'T BEEN CROSSWORD 7 ? ACROSS - ood THAT, MRS, HIGGS ¢ HOME FOR SEVEN 1. Injure DOWN 20. Be DO YOU KNOW, MRS. COE, I : * 5. Slap + nae ae Answer 9. About, uarrels le , SOMETIMES WONDER IF MY as dates 2 Alms 'box 21. The Next HUSBAND HAS GROWN | 10. White ant ~ : Legsh) Rooney Week j ( . . Sacre tate - ee bere tries 2 -- 11, Broad tie picture (abbr.)' 'i 12. Part of 4. Pad 22. Fruit stair 5. Gem weight drink 14. Scrutinize 6. Groups 23. Family 15. Confuse ~ 7. Quick mem- 16. What? 8. Montgom- ber 17. Cherished ery and 24. Greek letter 34. River in animals Rommel 25. Selenium Yugoslavia 1% Deciliter 9. Box (sym.) 35. French river (abbr. ) 13. Kind of race 29. Different 36. Manitoban 19. Kind of 15. Forms anew 30. Plague Indian Greek 17. Jumbled 32. African 38. Queen of architecture type river fairies 22. Wine receptacle 4 3 ee 7 V7, 23. January 1 CINEMA 26. African ZY Pe Y : hemp 27. Steep e Y e 5 28. Type lie Wg for a great night out measure , 29. Man's name [ig V7 V7 \\7 V7 Ai and : 31. Egyptian Y G VY the best in solar deity 77] 20 [21 YW new theatre releases (var.) VA YA 33. Social 24% fo ee avons ; 35. Dull pain 27 Y WITH: AN UDDER ON. HER 825-3771 37. ae neat Y YO Y ¢ ; LEFT SIDE,ONLY' SHE GIVES me = (HLL) YG 9 Y WY 1 13 Beswes tHeir use AS Flooe COVERINGS pre GREW ON A NORMAL AMOUNT OF MILK! 'sebilag s+ 7/5, RUGS im ARABIA AND TURKEY ARE HE TRUNK OF 39. Evenings ZZ, S -- | t. 7 V//)38 oer pete He . ATREE! (Gary.IND) KILGORE "TEXAS THE LOBBY 40. White Z SLEEP ON THEM. IN WINTER HAS MORE OIL who knows = poplar : ied Y "HEY SLEEP UNDER tify ¥, WELLS ~TAAN movies better Gace 1 GO V7» THE RUGS" + MWY BA 42. Honey Y Ze : c % j % VHS & Beta makers er rentals ij : A ne CENTURY SPANISH DUKE S : y yy Presented by WWILLED THAT "A TEN-GALLON JUG OF Ae KY Sel, 325 9281 MILK BE ANNUALLY UPSET UPON HIS oN = 4 GRANE.SO HIS BODY MIGHT STILL ee Ye : Terrace Bay/ ENJOY THAT DELICIOUS FLUID"... Wj Co ~ ete HE BEQUEATHED A LARGE SUM FOR 4, "Mih ee AW 7) Ui 3 Schreiber News