VOL... 21 "NO. 2 JANUARY II, I978 ; 20¢ PER COPY | i ® Health Santé et aM and Welfare Bien-étre social : Canada Canada More than 350,000 old age pensioners in Ontario are being asked to re-apply for Guaranteed Income Supplement as quickly as possible if they want to continue receiving payments, Health and Welfare officials in Toronto said Guaranteed income supplement is.an income tested assistance program for old age pensioners who have little or no income outside of 01d Age Security. : According to W.A. Wright, Regional Director, 01d Age Security, annual re-application for the G.I.S. is essential because the : income levels tend to change fairly regularly for a large 5 percentage of retired people. "Our objective is to make- certain that they are receiving the proper amount of Guaranteed - Income Supplement if eligible," he said. . Mr. Wright said that the regional office in Ontario has completed. the mailing of the 350,000 re-applications to existing recipients. "Those who fail to re-apply by a March 31 deadline may find pay- _ ments have been discontinued," he said. The re-applications should be completed on receipt and returned to 01d Age Security, Health and Welfare Canada, P.0. Box 6000, Station Q, Toronto, Ontario.