------ JANUARY 11, 1978 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 13 SCHREIBER RECREATION COLUMN CONFEDERATION COLLEGE PROGRAMS: If you are interested in programs through the college please contact the recreation of- fice, at 824-2317 or drop in at the Municipal office upstairs. CROSS COUNTRY SKI CLINIC: ; _ At the recreation office we have brochures about Cross Country Skiing and Winter Camping Workshop Clinies. If you are and know of others interested, please come in and pick up a brochure. From theré we can set up the ap- propriate clinic. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CURLING: On Wednesday, January 4, 1978 the elementary school students will start their schedule. If you do not have a schedule please contact Mr. John St. Amand or Lawrence Madge. NEW ARENA UPDATE: There will be canvassers going door to dooT to raise funds for the new arena; however there has been feedback coming back to the committee that some prefer payroll deductions. This will be followed up with the various companies and associations. Each canvasser will have commitment forms for people to sign if they wish to go the payroll route. Those still wanting to donate money can do so, by giving it to the canvassers or dropping in at the Municipal Office. The next meeting will be held on Monday, January 16, 1978 at 7 p.m. in the lower hall of the Town Hall. ARENA DONATION: Yola Cebrario, Ian Clark and Earline Johnson "gave $175.00 from the hockey pool. for the new arena. NORTH SHORE MINOR HOCKEY : Beginning in the New Year there will be a charge for all games of the North Shore Minor Hockey Association. The admission fees will be posted at the arena for the public's informa- tion. SCHREIBER ARENA 50/50 WINNER: The draw was made at the Junior Hockey Bingo - Mr. and Mrs. Edgar LeBlanc-'were the winners. BASIC ART COURSE: The récreation office has received the re- gistration forms for the North Shore Art Pro- gram. It is scheduled to start January 18, 1978; would all interested please come and re- gister as soon after the New Year as possible. The classes in Schreiber will be on Wednesdays from 12:30 p.m. = 3:30 p.m., no facility has been announced to date. RINGETTE : On the weekend of January 8 & 9, there will be teams in Terrace Bay for a small Ringette tourney. CHIMO CLUB DECEMBER MEETING: : J The Chimo Senior Citizens Club began its December meeting with a pot luck dinner, con- vened by Winnie Campbell and Margaret Spillane followed by the regular business meeting. Sev -eral Christmas greetings, including one from Monique Begin, New Horizons BRE ve were received. Get well cards were sent to sick and shut- ins and a visit to Birchwood Terrace was plan- ned for January. Fred Harness was installed by Mavis Slater as first vice president. Birthday greetings were sung to Eirene Har- ness and Winnie Campbell. A formal thank-you was recorded to members and non-members who have contributed to the kitchen supplies and in other ways to the club. After the meeting, Santa appeared and dis- tributed gifts. Winners of lucky attendance prizes included Betha Miller, Henry Miller, Ann Etches, Alvin Slater and Charile Holmes. 'The afghan, donated by Ann Todesco was won by . Zonie Fischer. IS. KINETTE CLUB COMMUNITY BIRTHDAY CALENDAR sponsored by the Schreiber Kinette Club. To make a friendly community more friend]y MEETING LISTINGS SOCIAL FUNCTIONS WHOSE BIRTHDAY? WHOSE ANNIVERSARY? ADVERTISING OF OUR LOCAL BUSINESS FIRMS Schreiber residents will be contacted the weeks of January |6th to the 28th. If overlooked please contact any Kinette member. Terrace Bay and Rossport residents may subscribe by phoning 824-2439. Price - $2.50 a calendar - includes listings