AUGUST 131,:1977 TERRACE BAY NEWS EAGE~23 Classified Ads MINIMUM CHARGE - $2.00 (25 words & under cash in advance ~:82.25 {if charged) . . 5¢ per word after 25 HOUSE FOR SALE - leaving September 8th, All furniture for sale, Best offer; Also, 1965 Pontiac - $75.00 or best offer, Phone 824-2804, FOR SALE - I977 KE I75 Kawaski, only Iooo miles; Also, one I0 and one 5 speed bikes. Phone 825-3745, FOR SALE - I975 Honda CB 360T, 4500 miles, excellent condition. For further information call John at 824-2613. FOR SALE - one pair Deoust figure sketes, size 7; one pair Olympic | figure skates, size 4; two men's?large snowmobile suits; one set 39'" hardwood bunk beds with posture boards and Serta mattresses, All in good condition. Phone a after 6 p.m. WANTED - babysitter beginning in September - part $line = preferably in my own home. Phone Boli-2271. WANTED - an apartment for two mature :young ladies. ; Phone 825-9062. NOTICE OF MEETING = The first meeting of the season will bs held in the Terrace Bay Recreation Centre of the T.,R.S. Cit- izen Band General Radio Service Club on September 2Ist, 1977, at 7:30 p.m. All current members are requested to attend (AND ANY NEW MEMBERS WHO WISH TO JOIN). + SCHREIBER SOCIAL: 3 Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Elton Fummerton are: Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Whent of White River; Marion Hartlin of Kingston and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eickmeier of Mitchell, Ontario. EMPLOYMENT AVAILABLE GAMES ROOM SUPERVISOR Anyone interested in applying for this position should submit a letter of appli- cation to the Terrace Bay Recreation Committee, Box 460, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Application deadline date is Tuesday, September 6th. THE GREEN MEN ARE BACK SCHREIBER HOTEL SEPT. 1st, 2nd & 3rd BUSINESS DIRECTORY , PHONE 825-3638 ISLAND VIEW Shell Sewice LICENSED MECHANIC ON DUTY | MON. - FRI. 8 A.M, - 5P.M, * PROP. DAVE DESROSIERS CAMPBELL ELECTRIC HOT WATER TANKS AND OTHER .MAJOR APPLIANCES SERVICED. 324-2743 824-2574 FOR YOUR SAFETY ZAP'S AUTO GLASS ALL WORK GUARANTEED 145 WINNIPEG STREET, SCHREIBER, ONTARIO PHONE 824-2639 - 825-3335 In Canada its Tien en Featuring Chevrolets Renta oor SPADONI BROS. LTD. ' SCHREIBER -- TERRACE BAY CALL LARRY AT 824-2304