JULY 20, '1977 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 23 Classified Ads MINIMUM CHARGE - $2.00 (25 words & under cash in advance - $2.25 (if charged) 5¢ per word after 25 FOR RENT = two bedroom spartment in Schreiber, Phone Ba-2172, WANTED - three bedroom home with basement, Collect 854-IL76 after 6 p.m. Phone Geraldton WANTED TO RENT - room or apartment for female school teacher, preferably in Terrace Bay. Phone 825-9060. WANTED - used windows or panes of glass - all sizes; wooden chairs, double bed and matfress - all in good condition, _ suitable for camp. Phone 825-36II. "WANTED - a plumber urgently needed for water piping repairs. Phone 824-2080 on weekends for particulars. LOST - smell square shovel left at lime dump. Finder please 'sell 825-9128, - QUALIFIED BABYSITTER AVIALABLE - Please phone 825-3281. 'NOTICE ~ Cer wash, wax and shine; lawns mowed, Inquire at B25-902I from 8 a.m, to IO p.m. and ask for Paul. JOE'S HATRCROOMING SHOP - will be closed from July 25th to August 8th, inclusive, "ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS - Inquiries welcomed. Answers Confiden- | tial, Phone BS24-2768 or Write: Box 466, Schreiber. Meetings Wednesday evening end Sunday morhing, Schreiber Town Hall. SUBDIVIDING ~- on resort on lake Supsrior - surrounded by islands - over 400! lake front property for private lots. Two (2) one room cabins go with each lot of I00' - I7 miles + west of Terrace Bay, 5 miles east of Rossport. Write: Robert Kelly, Rossport, Ont. POT 2RO i CONCRETE - Floors, steps, blocks, driveways. All cement ~ work guaranteed, Phone 824-2 5k, CARD OF THANKS = T would like to take this opportunity to express my sin- * cerest gratitude to sll my neighbours and friends, for their many aots of kindness and support during the loss of my sister Your thoughtfulnéss will always be remembered. Jean Stitt. CARD OF THANKS - We would like to teke this opportunity to thank everbody who came to help us celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary, It was a night that will be long rem- embered. Special thanks to Art and Rhea and to the people who supplied the lunch for the dance; to our friends, rela- tives and neighbours for the money tree and last but certainly not least, to our wonderful children for their most surprising gift of a trip to Europe or a place of our choice. Thanks again to all of you and may God bless all you wonderful people. Irene and Ernie Kettle, HOUSE FOR SALE- 496 lekeview Drive, Phone 825-9035. FOR SALE ~ ons Singer sewing machine, cabinet, stool, wrtomatie foot control. $200.00, Phone Alex Boyd, R.Re #I, Murillor Ont. 935-2554. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ISLAND VIEW _ Shell Service LICENSED MECHANIC ON DUTY MON. - FRI. 8 A.M. - 5P.M. PHONE 825-3638 PROP. DAVE DESROSIERS CAMPBELL ELECTRIC Cascade 40 Hot Water Tanks, Ranges, Dryers and Washers. Appliances "Serviced, House Wiring done. Now full time operation. 824-2743 824-2574 FOR YOUR SAFETY ZAP'S AUTO GLASS ALL WORK GUARANTEED 145 WINNIPEG STREET, SCHREIBER, ONTARIO PHONE 824-2639 - 825-3335 ~ InCanada its Rent-a-car SPADONI BROS. LTD. SCHREIBER -- TERRACE BAY CALL LARRY AT 824-2304