JUNE 1, 1977 TERRACE BAY NEWS _ PAGE FIRST COMMUNION: Continued from page. 10. .... The liturgy was enhanced by the music pro-~ vided by a group of school children singing and playing guitars, as well as the adult choir. ~ The children and their parents were invited to a social gathering in the Chusch hall fol- lowing the Mass. Special thanks gc to Mrs. E. Falzetta for her work in preparing the children. SOCIAL: - Alma Hart has returned from Virginia, Minn- esota, where she received her "Academy of Friendship" from the Women of the Moose. SCHREIBER RECREATION NEWS: TENNIS: This is a reminder that the last day to re- ; gister for tennis is Friday, June 3, from 2:00 a.m. = 4:00 p.m. at the Recreation Office (upstairs in the Town Hall). Only members will be allowed to use the courts. Clinics and tournaments will be held for members. SWIMMING, PLAYGROUND AND OUTDOOR EXPERIENCE ~ PROGRAMS : The last day to register for these programs is Friday, June 17th from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the basement of the Town Hall. THUNDER MUG ROSSPORT, ONTARIO SATURDAY, JUNE 4th FOR _THE MONTH OF JUNE ROYAL DOULTON "Kind of Loving" 30% OFF (in stock items only) Photo at right: Earline Johnson, Secretary; Georgina Davis, and Lorraine Weaver, Past President, cut the Schreiber Birth- day cake. Photo by Inez McCuaig President The Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion, Br. 109, Schreiber, marked its 30th Anniversary with a dinner party. Mrs. Addie Beaulieu, acting president, and other members of the Terrace Bay Legion Aux- iliary and Mrs. Etta Gray of Thunder Bay were welcomed as guests. There were forty atterdding the event. At the head table were Georgina Davis, president; Lorraine Weaver, past President; Ruth Hiller, first vice president; Earline Johnson, secre- tary; Edna Ross, treasurer; Brenda Harper, warden and Addie Beaulieu: Daryl Lynn Weaver and Wendy Martin were given the pleasure of pinning. the past pres dent pin on their mother, Lorraine Weaver. A special toast was given .to Betty Ann McKenna , celebrating her 18th birthday and the other two young new members ~- Judy and " Jane Davis. continued page I3 THIS WEEKS SPECIAL MAY 30TH - JUNE 3RD LAKE TROUT DINNER $5.95 JUNE 4TH & STH DEEP FRIED SHRIMP $4.95 a1.