MARCH 9, 1977 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE: 9 SKI CLUB CARNIVAL QUEEN CANDIDATE DEANNA ZROBACK Deanna Zroback is 15 i vears old and is a student + at the Lake Superior High Schoecl. Her favourite . sport is skiing, and as a newcomer to our area, she is enjoying the slopes this season at the Terrace Bay Ski Hill. Deanna is also involved in student council activi- ties at the High School and works part time at the theatre. u ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mas. Roy Larson are pleased zo announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Valerie Annie to Frank Stephen Connolly, son of Mr. and Mas. Ronald Connolly of 355 Clarke Rd., London, Ont. The wedding will take place on September 17, 1977 at Richards Memorial United Church in London, Ontario. NEW MEMBERS WELCOMED AT WOMEN OF THE MOOSE MEETING Sixteen ladies were present at the March lst meeting of the Women of the Moose. Senior Regent Marielle Tardif was in the:chair. Eight new members were welcomed into the Chapter. On arrival the ladies were presented with corsages by Yvonne LeClaire. Following the meeting, members sat down to - a gaily decorated table in March 17th theme to be served lunch by Moosehaven Chairman Yvonne Rochon. She was assisted by Rose Dakin and Yvette Swirhun. The raffle was won by Alice Yates. Thank you cards were read from members who received cards and gifts while they were ill. Thank you letters were received from the St. Denis children in Mooseheart to whom we had sent money for Christmas. Members were in favour of raising the amount given to the parents of the New Year baby. Also, the price of hamburgers and coffee sold at bingos will be raised. The Award of Achievement ceremony took place at the meeting on Feb. 1. This award was presented to Alma Hart for the 1975-76 term. The next meeting will be on March 15. : FIRST ANNUAL LOCAL SCHREIBER-TERRACE BAY ° SCIENCE FAIR « to be held at Schreiber in the High School Gymnasium SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1977 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. sponsored by The Lake Superior Board of Education PARTICIPATING CLASSES: KINDERGARTEN - GRADE 3; GRADE 4 - GRADE Bs 4 : GRADE 7 - 10; GRADE 11 - 13. :