MARCH 2, 1977 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 19 RUBY REBEKAH LODGE MEETING SCHREIBER SOCIAL to Cm i Le i a NINE a sco ee 2 C5 Ruby Rebekah Lodge 279, held their regular Mrs. Bill Campbell), who with her husband, 'meeting on Wednesday, Febrvary 23rd with Mrs. now own and operate Mary's Flower Shop, has G. Davis N.G. and Mrs. W. Clemens V.G. pre- just returned from Toronto where she attended siding. y a three weeks' course at the Pauline Floral Mrs. Clemens reported for the Sick and School of Design, receiving a certificate for Visiting Committee. Cards were sent to Mrs. floral arrangements, funeral work, corsage Connie Weaver and Kitty Whitton in P.A.G.H. and wedding work, care of. flowering and trop- "A sympathy card was sent to Mrs. Jean Fisher. ical plants, salesmanship and pricing. ; A donation was sent to the Ontario Research Schreiber sun-seekers are widening their Foundation for Amblyoptia. holiday area. Now groups are going to Cuba, Mavis Slater won the attendance prize. and taking long cruises in warm waters, with A Cake Walk and pot luck lunch will be Florida and Hawaii still attracting some held following the next meeting on March 9th. faithfuls. " In Following the meeting , members enjoyed a /| ' Penny Auction and Wh d o x ' lunch. Ilene William- Vy 0es S e rng 4 son and Elma Haapa : : ; were in charge of the™ =a her savings fous? ROSSPORT SOCIAL Every payday, | make it a habit to save a little. Just a little. Mr. and Mrs. Dave ; But reguiarly. It's a nice habit and ! Mushquash visited re- it's easier to get into when the lativestin Geraldtcn - teiler gives me a nice big smile. " A : : : It's the same kind of smile I'd #during the week. get if I'd gone out and bought * Mr. and Mrs. Wm. something. Except | feel even Schelling are holiday- better because | haven't spent my ing with relatives in money at all. In fact, I've put it 2 Florida. in a place where it will earn Robert Molinski of interest too. Thunder Bay renewed fe ey Tenens Deposit something -or open this week. a savings account this week Ice fishing is a popular sport this and prove to yourself month. Some fine "specimens of both lake how good it feels fodo Be rE something really sensible local anglers. with your money. The First Canadian Bank =m Bank of Montreal Schreiber Branch Bill Humble, Manager CAA & AAA APPROVED FAMILY RATES Clean Quiet Cody "On Ground Level Only" CABLE & COLOR TV - ELECTRIC HEAT YEAR ROUND COMMERCIAL RATES NwY 17 NW WEST sone 824- 2501 "2 824-2800