Terrace Bay, Ont. Vol."I8 No. 47 NOVEMBER 26, I975 20¢ PER CORY URLING OMMENTS The 75-76 curling season should be a banner year if the amount of curlers in the Men's League has anything to do with it. This year a total of 22 rinks are competing in the Men's League. According to curlers who have been in the Club for quite a few years (will not men- tion their names in case the information might be wrong) this year is the best since I959 with regard to the amount of rinks competing. As a comparison, last year I3 rinks competed in the Mens League. Due to the amount of teams in the League, curling games will be scheduled on Mondays and Wednesdays - early and late draws, Tues- days - late draw and Thursdays - early and late draw. On the average, teams will be curl -ing two games a week. This however, will . vary according to shift work teams etc. Curl -ers, remember that early draws start at 6:30 p.m. and late draws start at 9:00 p.m. Det- ails of the draws are posted at the draw board in the Club. Skips, be sure to remind your players of game times and dates. Details on how the Men's Draw will operate will appear in the next Curling Comments issue. MIXED WINE & CHEESE BONSPIEL A successful Mini-Spiel was held last Sat- urday with twelve teams competing. I) Bonspiel winner was the Jerry Dupas rink with Julie Randa, Charlie Mills and Kathy Geldreich. 2) Runner up - Len Webb, Norma Gusul, Reg Northcott and Judy Scherman. I) Consolation : continued page 2 "ee esse PACK #2 BROWNIE ENROLLMENT Photo by Pam Jones. Left to right: Back row - Pam Deutscher, Diane O'Keefe and Sandra Barnett; Middle row - Brigette Samp and Connie Aulenback; Front - Sara - Lee Speer and Cathy Hansen. Last week Pack #2 Brownies held an enroll- ment at the Scout Hall. Eight mothers, two fathers and aggin another grandmother came to watch as the seven little tweenies made their way through a magic garden path up to a shimmering pool where they were met by Tawny Owl, Gail Pollard. Brown Owl, Barbara Wise was assisted by District Commissioner, Marilyn Saranpaa. They presented the certi- ficates and welcomed them to Pack 2. After the ceremony all the parents joined in games with the girls. Coffee and cookies followed for the adults with the Brownies serving and assisted by Snowny Owl, Lois Mac- Rae.