PAGE 2 TERRACE BAY NEWS NOVEMBER 5, I975 TERRACE ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH - Rev, A. Greengrass BAY SUNDAY MASS - 8:30 and I0:30 A.M. SATURDAY MASS - 7:00 P.M. CONFESSIONS = 6:15 = 7:15 & after evening Mass on Saturday COMMUNITY CHURCH - Rev. P. McKague SERVICE OF WORSHIP = II:00 A.M. HOLY COMMUNION - Ist of the Month CHURCH SCHOOL - Grades 5 = 8 = 9:30 A.M. - Pre School to Grade 4 - II:I5 A.M. - Care for Babies TERRACE BAY GOSPEL ASSEMBLY - Pastors John laari Dave laskso Services are held in Public School Auditorium SUNDAY SCHOOL - I0:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP - II:00 A.M. SUNDAY EVENING SERVICE = 7:00 P.M. FoIy ANGELS CHURCH - Rev, F. Meyer DAILY MASS - Monday, Wednesdsy, Friday - 5:00 P.M. Tuesday and Thursday - 7:30 P.M. Saturday = 9:00 AM. & 7:15 P.M. SUNDAY SERVICE = 9:30 and II:00 A.M. CONFESSIONS - Saturday 4:15-5:15 P.M.; before Saturday evening Mass; before Sunday morning Mass and before all daily Masses. \ ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH = Rev, G., Quibell L.TH. SUNDAY SERVICE - 9:00 AM. = Ist and 3rd of the month 7:00 P.M. - 2nd and lith of the month MIDWEEK - 9:30 A.M. Thursday - Holy Communion GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH - Rev. R. Dye MID WEEK SERVICE - 7:00 P.M. - Wednesday SUNDAY SCHOOL - 10:00 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE - 11:00 A.M. EVENING PRAYER - 7:00 P.M. RoSSPORYT ST, BERCHMAN®!S CHURCH SUNDAY MASS = I:00 P.M. -unication. TERRACE BAY NEWS PUBLISHERS FRANCIS & DEBORAH HELMINK PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY at the News Print- ing Plant, Post Office Building, Terrace Bay OFFICE HOURS - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. MON. --- FRI. MAILING ADDRESS - Box 579 PHONE 825-3747 DEADLINE - for all advertisements and news material is NOON MONDAY of each week. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $5.00 per year (local) $6.00 per year (out-of-town) Second class mail Registration Number 0867. INFORMATION ONTARIO By Bev Young, Northern Affairs Officer Communication is a vital link in the oper- ation of any organization. This is certainly shown now that we are without the services of mail delivery. To continue the communica- tion process, the provincial government has developed a courier system to maintain comm- unication between it's offices. This is strictly for government use only. Several government ministries and agencies have completed arrangements to maintain comm- The following are some arrange-= ments which have been established. If you wish further comment visit your Northern Affairs Office, Peninsula Building, or phone 229-II53. Retail Sales Tax - In communities served by a vehicle licencing office retail sales tax payments can be made to the .licence issuer. In other communities the Northern Affairs Office will accept payments. 0.H.I.P. = Ontario Health Insurance premiums will be accepted by cheque or money order by Northern Affairs. W.C.B. - Workmen's Compensation Board applica- tions can be forwarded through Northern Aff- airs and arrangements are being finalized to distribute W.C.B. benefits through Northern : Affairs. : C.P.P. - Canada Pension and 0ld Age Security applications can be forwarded through Northern Affairs. U.I.C. - Unemployment Insurance applications will be accepted and forwarded by Northern Affairs. However, no arrangements have been completed to distribute U.I.C. cheques through this office. At the time of writing this article other communication links are being reviewed. For further information call Northern Affairs. The October 25th meeting of the Lake Super- ior Board of Education was held at the Lake Superior Public School, Schreiber Campus. Mr. Dennis Scowen, on behalf of a Marathon citizenry delegation, presented a request for transportation of K-3 pupils from the McCull- ough and Ontario Street areas to the Stevens Avenue Campus. Mr. Scowen responded to ques- tions from the Trustees and administration. The Chairman thanked the delegation for their attendance indicating they would be advised of a decision once the Trustees have been giv en the opportunity to reflect upon the request continued page 3 c.ceccccececcs IRTP way a ey ww RRR A= --.------------ --