JUNE 25, I975 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 25 mm a l*.rr-AH--©N Classified Ads MINIMUM CHARGE $2.00 (25 words and under) $2.25 (if charged) 5¢ PER WORD AFTER 25 BUSINESS DIRECTORY WANTED - Reliable cleaning lady for 3 mornings a week. T will furnish references if desired. $3.00 per hour paid te the right woman. Call mornings: 825-3827. FOR SALE - Stereo component set. Excellent condition. Contact - Ray Bergeron Phone 825-3352. FOR SALE - Quadrephonic component set. Phone 825-3589. FOR SALE =~ Two 600 X I3 summer tires with rims. Phone 825-3879. 3 FOR SALE (moving) Simplicity supértwin washer-spindryer, 2 years old, excellent oondition, $125.00; Kenmore humidifier used 3 months, under warrenty $50.00. Phone 825-3525. FOR SALE - Boy's IO speed bicycle, good condition. Prien Hiller, 824-2788, Phone FOR SALE - Dryer, wringer washer, bookcase, desk, rangs food coppertone (new), dehumidifier, approx. 350 ft. XL 90 siding (yellow), catalytic heater. Phone 825-36UI, FOR SALE - Bolens hus-ski snow mschine in operating condition Best offer. Also I pair car top carriers for a compact cer, 2 pair ski poles, I pair skis, I double stroller, I high chair, old playboy magazines. Phone 825-3830. HOUSE FOR SALE - 535 Lakeview Drive. 705-560-2604, HOUSE FOR SALE - 3 bedrooms, garage, 2II Drummond St., Sonreiber, Phone 824-2009. Terrace Bay. Fhone - HOUSE FOR SALE - 3 bedrooms, 2 storey house, patio end storage shed. Phone 824-2075. Car port, FOR RENT = 3 room apartment, furnished, Ist floor, private entrance. Phone 824-28ul, " WANTED TO RENT = 2 or 3 bedroom house or apartment required immediately or as soon as possible. Please call 825-3775. CARD OF THANKS - The Residents of Birchwood Terrace would Tike to express their thenks and appreciation to the town of Terrace Bay who hosted a most enjoyable evening at the Legion Thursday, June I9th for Senior Citizen's Week. Sing songs, motions to music, drinks end a delicious lunch made up the evening. Mary thanks to the people who served and to the musicians who played delightful music throughout the entire evening. Thank You Terrace Bay. CARD OF THANKS - a most eincere thanks for the cards, flowers and the many acts of kindness shown during my recent illness, - Cy Brassard WANTED TO BUY ~ Vacation property, lot or acreage, patented or lease, with or without buildings on or near Leke Supsrior in the Marathon-Terrace Bay ares. Write: Mr, B, Franklin, P.0. Box 94, Marathon, Ontario. PHOTO COPYING I. m. dodick || oo voor .0. AND OPTOMETRIST COMMERCIAL ® PRINTING 1119 VICTORIA AVENUE THUNDER BAY PHONE 622-7726 CONTACT THE TERRACE BAY NEWS GENERAL Bruce Simon © Jorance 507 Scotia Street, Schreiber, Ontario P.O. Box 33j Phone 824-2562 TERRACE BAY CLEANERS DRYCLEANING & LAUNDRY PHONE: Terrace Bay 825-3335" Schreiber 824-2639 In Canada its Tilden Featuring Chevrolets TILDEN Rent-a-car SPADONI BROS. LTD. SCHREIBER -- TERRACE BAY CALL LARRY AT 824-2304