PAGE I6 TERRACE BAY NEWS JUNE 25, I975 Weaver Shower - continued Receiving with Miss Weaver were Mrs. Thom- as Bagdon of White River, her fiance's mother; Miss Lori Ross of Montreal, her cousin and. maid of honour and Mrs. W.R. Weaver, her mother. Mrs. H.R. Foss (aunt) of Montreal was the dining room hostess and the tea was poured by Mesdames H.D. Weaver (grandmother) and Mrs. Ethel Smitheman, Miss Irene Spicer (aunt) and Mrs. G.A. Scott. The servitors were Mesdames Stanley Spadoni Barry Harper, Knut Schmeidchen, Danny Godin, Barry Gilmore, and the Misses Debbie Cook, Joyce Richardson, Janice Cluette and Sharon Smith. Mesdames Alec Gordon, Robert Turner, Burton Phillips, George Riley, Gerald Godin and Gino Caccamo replenished. The gifts were opened by Mrs. Jody Davis and Mrs. Justin Martin, sisters. of the bride- elect and the guest book attended by Shannon Riley. SPORTS DAY: Winners in each of the Lake Superior Public School Tableoid Sports Day divisions were: =- Primary - Darren Gerow, Anita Bouchard, Debbie Goodchild, Linda Roen. Second in Senior Division = Karen Goodmarphy, Patti Collinson, Cathy Doig, Lloyd Whitton, David Noonan, Gordon McKenzie. Third in Senior Division - Sandy Morrison, Ken Goodchild, Danny Krause, Laura Ray, Art Roen, Della Mushquash. Second in Senior Division - Karen Goodmurphy, Patti Collinson, Cathy Doig, Lloyd Whitton, David Noonan, Gordon McKenzie. c.w.L. Mauri Vallee of Kitchener, Regional Super- visor of the Canadian Arthritus Society, addressed the Schreiber Catholic Women's Lea- gue at their regular meeting on June 8th. - Mr. Vallee, on behalf of the Knights of Columbus, asked the C.W.L. to assist in the campaign for funds this fall, and Mrs. Dennis Connelly agreed to act as co-ordinator, with Mrs. Mervyn Perrault assisting her. After his talk on arthritus and rheumatism and the work being done to relieve these crip- pling diseases, Mr. Vallee showed an interest- ing film. Mrs. Harold McParland, the Sresitent, con- gratulated Mrs. M.J. McGrath on her appoint- ment as diocesan treasurer, and thanked the members for their generous contributions to the bakeless bake sale held last month. Initial plans were made for the annual Labour Day program September Ist in the local arena - races, games and the expected varied hot foods for on-the-spot consumption. Mrs. John Power reported there are now I73 members, ten of these being new ones. WOMEN OF THE MOOSE INSTALLATION Installation of new officers took place on Saturday, June I4th. Acting as installing officers for the cere- mony were Past Governor George Birch as chair- man, Governor Harry Hart, Chaplain, Collegian Alice Yates, Guide, Clara Gould as Pianist. Officers installed - back - Carmel Zborow- ski, Chaplain; Senior Regent, Alma MacDonald; Recorder, Helen Almos; Pianist, Clara Gould; front - Sentinel, Linda Vezina; Membership Chairman, Jacqueline Sopel; Treasurer, Rose Dakin; Junior Graduate Regent, Sadie Benko; Missing = College of Regent Chairman, Alice 4 Yates. % Gifts were presented to the installing officers and Sadie Benko by Alma MacDonald. Members and guests enjoyed a delicious smor- . gasbord dinner. A cheque from the Chapter in the amount of $I,200.00 was presented to Governor Harry Hart by Senior Regent Sadie Ben- ko, this money to go towards renovations to the kitchen.