FAGE 20 TERRACE BAY NEWS JUNE 18, 1975 The President, Mrs. Herb Legault led in the opening and closing prayers and the various items on the agenda. Mrs. Mary Schelling read the minutes which were approved as read. Lett ers and accounts were dealt with according to contents. Mrs. Felix Legault presented a very satisfactory financial statement. A cash bingo was planned for Tuesday, July 8th and advertising for same arranged a week in advance. A discussion was held on how the shrubs at the church could be clean out of grasses and weeds and prevention from being destroyed. The big problem being able to find someone to do the work as obtaining help to keep the lawn cut has been quite an undertak- ing. Mrs. Todesco gave a resume of the Saint John Berchman's life as the Roman Catholic Church in the village was given his name. John Berchman was born in I599 and died in I62I in his twenty second year. He was the son of a shoemaker and born at Diest in Bra- hont. He joined the Society of Jesus. He was a missionary and walked from Antwerp Bel- guim to Rome in order to join this society. He died in Rome in I62I and was canonized in 1888 and his feast day in November 26th. Mrs. Legault thanked Mrs. Todesco for this inform- ation. Following adjournment the hostess served lunch and a social hour was enjoyed. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Tod- esco on September I0th after the summer rec- ess. THE McCAUSLAND HOSPITAL BUILDING FUND The Board of Governors of The McCausland Hospital gratefully acknowledges the following most recent donations: Personal Donations $764.50, In Memoriam $I22.00, Canadian Pacific Railway $I0,000., Schreiber Foodmarket $200. , Residents of «Birchwood Terrace (sale of flow- ers) $I50., Lake Superior Public School - Terrace Bay Campus, Gr. VII Bake Sale $63.90, Antiques Penny Auction $156.47. The total sum raised to date is $27,2I4.26. - Public Relations. Word has been received that a painting painted by Dawn Tees of Terrace Bay, when she was seven years old entitled "My Toys When Young" was chosen at the Northwestern Ontario Women)s Art Festival as one of the best of the show. . Dawn's painting will now be enterted in a travelling caravan. TERRACE BAY RECREATION DEPARTMENT WEEKLY REPORT SWIM POOL OPENING: - Saturday, June 2Ist, ing date for the pool. depends on the weather. day will: be 2 to 5 p.m. and 6 to 92 p.m. 'The pale blue discs will be in effect until the new discs have arrived and been issued. Discs must be shown to the cashier. Non-members must pay .75¢ for adults and .35¢ for children and students. Only bathing suits will be all- owed on the deck. No cutoffs or shorts. All hair below shoulder length must be tied back. The pool staff for the summer is as follows: Pool Manager - Lynn Black; Asst. Pool Manager - Kathy Buckley; Lifeguard Instructors - Nancy Bouchard, Cindy Thompson, Judy Zwaresh, Janet Roberts; Cashiers - Carol Bouchard and Carolyn Vanderkam; Maintenance - Robert Landry and Greg Chepelsky. The Swim Program Registration Forms have been issued to the schools. Again this year a registration fee of $2.50 per family or $I.00 per child for each session will be in effect. You must be a Recreation member to register for these classes. The deadline for registration for the July session is June 25th and after that absolutely no forms will be accepted for any reason. If you wish to register your child and do not have a registration form, simply drop into the Recreation Office or phone the office at 825-3542. This year we will be offering positions for Relief Lifeguards to work along with the reg- ular staff during the afternoon and evening shifts. You will be paid for the time you guard. Anyone interested must hold at least a Senior certificate and will be interviewed by the Swim Pool Manager. To apply, contact Mrs. Lynn Black, Manager. is the tentative open- This of course mainly The hours for that MINOR BALL PROGRAMME : As of last week, the Minor Ball program star- ted with the International League boys (7-9 yr) being the only ones to play. The second game on Wednesday, June IIth and the games schedul- ed for Thursday, June I2th were cancelled due to inclement weather and bad field conditions. These games will be re-scheduled at a later date. The following is a list of the volunteers helping in the Minor Ball program either as coaches or umpires: Murray and Paulette Gordon, Chick Thompson, Judy Kurylo, Bev Legault, Jim Figliomeni, Mike Anderson, Alphonse Theriault, continued page 21 --_----