JUNE I8, 1975 TERRACE BA Y NEWS PAGE II DON, BENO GUEST SPEAKER AT L.A. MEETING The June meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary was well attended. The meeting opened with a word of welcome and a prayer by President, Cora Ropchon. Secretary, P. Jones read the minutes of the last meeting and also the correspondence. A thank you was received from the Bible Society for the $25 donation. Peggy Thompson gave the treasurer's report. Various Committees gave their reports. The Sick and Vising Committee of Stella Brown and Myrtle McBride have had a busy two months. They also stated that they will continue this service throughout the summ- er months. Vera Kennedy on behalf of the Board of Eld-/ ers thanked the Auxiliary for the lovely lunch- eon that they provided for the Confirmation class, the parents and congregation following the service on June Ist. Lil Harris; Campaign Chairman of the Cancer Society thanked the ladies for the $25 donation Peggy Thompson on behalf of Marg Simmer gave the report on a very successful Rummage Sale. In March the Ladies Auxiliary held a card and games night. Marg Lundberg and Vera Kenn- edy reported it an overwhelming success, with the hall filled to capacity. Many fun games were played while 20 tables of bridge players enjoyed a happy and relaxed, if not too quiet an evening, it was a time of fellowship and as the mystery prizes circulated among the bridge players everyone seemed to enjoy it. Joanne Moore, Property Committee, stated that a kitchen clean-up and inventory will take place sometime during the summer recess. The auxiliary agreed to supply coffee, tea, and koolaid for the Sunday School Congregation- al Pic~Nic planned for June. Programme Committee, Margaret McKague then introduced the guest speaker for this meeting. Don Beno of Schreiber gave an excellent talk with lots of information on 'Wills' and what what happens to the widow and family after the bereavement. Many questions were asked and Don replied with enlightening answers. All the ladies present were surprised at the situations that could arise in these cir- cumstances when one knows nothing of the Will. A delicious lunch was served by Stella Brown and Myrtle McBride, and the question and answer session was continued very informally with two ladies sharing their experiences with Don and the ladies too. : President, Cora Ropchon thanked Mr. Beno for being their guest speaker. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 3rd. A pot luck supper at 6:30 will start the evening. : 2% 28 R&L DRIVE IN 9% a NOW OPEN IN SCHREIBER SUNDAY TO THURSDAY 12 A.M. to 12 .0.M, FRIDAY & SATURDAY 12 A.M. to 2 A.M. PHONE 824-2632 LORNE'S CAMERAS & FISHING TACKLE 20 SOUTH COURT STREET (next to the Paramount Theatre) THUNDER.BAY 'P', ONTARIO TELEPHONE 344-0413 ACCURATE ALUMINUM SIDING-WINDOWS- SOFFIT FASCIA -EAVESTROUGHING VINYL SIDING 25 YEAR GUARANTEE FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 622-2348