Si ------ PAGE 1I8 TERRACE BAY NEWS DECEMBER 18,1974 "Charlie 'Holmes, M.J. McGrath and C.M. Baillie. "he was greeted' by family, relations, many "wiewing some highlights of his 45° years' He closed by saying when he showed his speech, 30 minutes in length, to Chester Baillie for comment, Chester tersely replied - Good -= cut it down to 5 minutes. '"praws during the evening were won by Mrs. Following the meeting a cabaret evening was enjoyed. » WALTER 1LIJOW. HONOURED ON RETIREMENT When Walter Tlijow, Assistant Roadmaster, ~.p. Rail Schreiber, completed his last 'day of work on November I4th to retire on pension, friends and officials, the latter including Karl Kazmierczak, Roadmaster, R.A. Sillitto, Divisional Engineer, Frank McKenna, acting Chief Despatcher and Peter Dzioba, Roadmaster. : : on behalf.of the staff and fellow employees Helen Wallace'- tickets sold by Mrs. Norma Mr. Kazmierczak, presented Mr. Ilijow with a piece of luggage and well-filled wallet, re-- sexr- vice and the many changes which have taken place in railroading since he began. 'Following the presentations and several formal gongratul ations the party went on to Mr. 1lijow' s home. An intimate family dinner was enjoyed with a radio being presented to Mr. Ilijow.™ And during the evening many friends called with gifts and good wishes. On the following night another dinner party. and evening were enjoyed. Among those from out of town attending the happy event were Mr. Ilijow's son, Stanley and his wife, with Gloria and Danny Ilijow; Mrs. Sophie Chevchuk, and Mrs. Ann Palahnuk of Nipigon, and Peter Dzioba of White River. Mr. Ilijow came directly from Poland to Schreiber in 1929 and almost immediately went to work for the C.P.R., his service continu- ous since then. His first foreman was George Lemieux and the first place he worked on: the division was Black Siding - now Terrace Bay. 3 He lived, he recalls, for many years, prac-- tically out of a packsack containing food and change of clothing, for those 'long: days out on J the road. % % Never a 'joiner' Mr. Ilijow always attended generously "and supported any community gather= ing for the general benefit and this will con~ | tinue since he plans to remain in Schreiber. U.C.W. HOLD CHRISTMAS TEA Mrs. Winnie Clemens convened the very suc---@ cessful Christmas tea-bazaar of the United Church Women on November 30th. praw prize for the occasion were won as = & follows: Christmas cake, Mrs. Bertha Paradis; Christmas pudding, Mrs. Helen LeBlanc; Teddy 3 Bear, Mrs. Annie Niemi; and 'door prize, Mrs. Fummerton and Mrs. Marguerite Gerow. Table servitors were Mesdames Margaret Spillane, Kay Fraser, Lilian Christie, Veneta McKenna, Georgina Davis, Lorraine Weaver, Rut Hiller and Marion Simon. E The kitchen committee were Mesdames Beth Macadam, Aili Lehto, Myra Holmes, Helen D'Are continued; page I9 ..u PROCLAMATION In accordance with procedure followed in previous years, | here by declare DECEMBER 26,197 BOXING DAY, A CIVIC HOLIDAY Best Whabes From . peppermint canes to peace on earth, we hope you'll experience all the seasonal joys. Gssg BURTON PHILLIPS Your Imperial Esso Agent Schreiber & Terrace Bay, Schreiber, Ont. within THE TOWNSHIP OF SCHREIBER and call on all to governed accordingly. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Phone Schreiber 824-2463