PAGE 20 TERRACE BAY NEWS DECEMBER 4, 1974 ° SNOWMOBILE TRAIL MAINTENANCE PROGRAM 1974/75 TERRACE BAY DISTRICT The Hon. Allan Grossman, Provincial Secre- tary of Resource Development in a recent state- ment to the Legislature announced the Govern- ment's policy on Recreational Trails. The policy is of direct interest to the \ people of Ontario who enjoy such outdoor sports| and recreational activities as snowmobiling, cross-country skiing, horse-back riding, hiking trailbike riding and canoeing. The Government's policy will be to estab- lish an extensive network of recreational trails throughout the province. The Government will also establish a Trails Council to assist in the development of a com- plete trails system. The council will consist of representatives from various recreational organizations, outdoor sports groups, conser- vationists, farmers and interested bodies. The trails council will report to the Min- ister of Natural Resources. The initial task of the council will be an inventory of exist- ing trails and recommendations on the develop- ment of a broader trail network. The council will also be asked to make proposals on how it believes the trails policy should be imbodied in appropriate legislation. There are also many other responsibilities that will be, or could be, assigned to the trails council. The proposed trails council will not, unfor- tunately, be in a position to make recommenda- tions on the establishment of snowmobile trails for this winter. However, the Government does intend to start work immediately on this urgent aspect of the trails program. Effective this winter, Ontario's Ministry of Natural Resources will offer snowmobile tra- il grooming assistance to snowmobile clubs, municipalities and conservation authorities. The program will be limited to the mainten- ance of existing trails only at this time. Limited funds will also be available for inven- tory of trails and planning work. The Ministry of Natural Resources seeks the co-operation of snowmobilers and it is hoped that snowmobile clubs and other organizations will be able to assist the Ministry in this program. Interested groups are invited to make applications by contacting Mr. T. Bruce Scott, Lands and Parks Supervisor, at the Terrace Bay District Office. L.J. Haas, District Manager. W.0.T:M:, TO HOLD CHRISTMAS PARTY Enrollment took place at the recent meet- ing of the Women of the Moose Chapter 1426 with Catherine Ginn being welcomed as a new member. Senior Regent Sadie Benko presided at the meeting. The minutes of the last meeting and joint executive meeting with the lodge offic- ers were adopted as read by Recorder Helen Almos. Correspondence was read and the Treasurer- 's report was given. The Annual Christmas party for kiddies up to the age of 8 years old will be held on Sunday, December 22nd at 2 p.m. The 9 to age group will be treated to a free show. Coffee and cake will be served to mothers acc- ompaning their youngsters to the party. On Thursday, December 12th a Christmas din- ner will be held with the residents of Birch- wood Terrace being the guests for dinner and a social to follow same. Reports were given by standing committees. Catherine Ginn will co-convene the Kimberly- Clark Quarter Century Club dinner on December Eh; Members were in favour of holding a gift exchange and Christmas party following the next Chapter meeting which will be held on Wednesday, December 4th. Social Service Chairman Alma McDonald and her committee of Anne Stachiw, Dorothy Kenny, Nacy Marquis, will be in charge of the program Pot of gold was won by Yvonne Leclair. Lovely lunch was served by Yvonne Vienneau, 12 "Mary Ihnatko, Yvonne Leclair and Shirley Opas. Thought That Counts That son of mine is something else. He gave me a really won- derful card for Christmas. It took him months to make it -- cause it reads HAPPY FATH- ER'S DAY. In Canada it's TICDEN Rent-a-car 'CHEVROLET IMPALA SPADONI BROS. LTD. CALL LARRY AT 824-2304 RENT-A- CAR