NOVEMBER 28, I974 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 23 Classified Ads MINIMUM CHARGE $I.00 (25 words and under) $I.25 (if charged) 3¢ PER WORD AFTER 25 FOR SALE - Girl's figure skates, size I, 2 and 4. Phone 825-3648 FOR SALE - I963 Chevy station Wegon. Phone 824-2465 FOR SALE - 2 Budgies in a stand-up cage. Viotoria, B.C. Phone 824-2566. I year old from FOR SALE - I Lloyd beby carriage. Phone 824-2017. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - Established Beauty Salon for Sale or Leese. Marathon, Ontario. Fully equipped. For further information please call 229-0390 after 7 P.M. WANTED TO BUY - Child's accordion I20 bass. Phone 825-356k, WANTED TO BUY - 2nd hand table and chairs. Phone 824-2566. HOUSE FOR SALE - 4 bedrooms, 24 bathrooms, dining room, large living room with fire place, large kitchen and family room, wall-to-wall carpeting throughout. Heated indoor swimming pool. Contact: Dr. McDonald, 266I Dube Road, Sudbury, Ontario. Phone 705-560-2604. APARTMENT FOR RENT - 3 rooms, Ist floor, furnished. entrance, Heated. Phone 824-28u4L after € P.M. Private APARTMENT FOR RENT - Phone 824-2172. APARTMENT FOR RENT - 3 bedrooms, front room, kitchen, washroom. Phone B2U-2844 after 6 P.M. CARD OF THANKS - We would like to thank our friends, shift 3 pulp department, Local 665 for cards and flowers during . the recent loss of my mother. Our Sincere Thanks. Bill Zwir and Family CARD OF THANKS - I would like to thank yery mush Dr. Masood, Dr. Molloy, Dr. Gouott, Dr. Remus for the excellent care and to the staff and nurses of East General Hospital and to all my friends for the flowers, cards and gifts, and the very good wishes I received while I was sick. Mrs. R, Deutscher. CARD OF THANKS - I wish to thank my family, other relatives, friends, fellow workers and officials of C.P. Rail who made my retirement such a happy occasion. I am most grateful for the many gifts, cards and other tokens of good wishes given to me. Walter Ilijow NOTICE - The Singer Representative will be in Schreiber and Terrace Bay on December 5th and 6th. Refer all calls to the Terrace Bay News Office BEFORE DECEMBER 4th. Phone 825-3747. 'SLES AND SERVICE - Heintzman, Sherlock Manning and Lesage Pianos, Hammond Organs, benches, tuning, sales and service. Contact: Morrow Pianos, A. Almos, Box 8, Terrace Bay, Ont. BUSINESS DIRECTORY . "FOR ALL YOUR m. dodick PHOTO COPYING AND ® PRINTING CONTACT THE 1119 VICTORIA AVENUE THUNDER BAY TERRACE BAY PHONE 622-7726 NEWS CAMERON K. BURGESS INSURANCE AGENT 81 HUDSON DRIVE BOX 398 825-3370 TERRACE BAY TERRACE BAY CLEANERS DRYCLEANING & LAUNDRY PHONE: Terrace Bay 825-3335 Schreiber 824-2639 YOUR SHELL OIL AGENT JAMES P. MIKUS SERVING SCHREIBER AND TERRACE BAY PHONE 825-3268 : INSURANCE LL nd A AGENT Total Ontario Property Damage for I972 amounted to $I,053,697. in Canada PHONE 824-2666 SCHREIBER, ONTARIO In Canada it's TILDEN Rent-a-car CHEVROLET IMPALA SPADONI BROS. LTD. CALL LARRY AT 824-2304 RENT-A- CAR