NOVEMBER 28, 1974 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 15 LEGION HOLDS VETERANS' BANQUET Eighty-five people attended the annual Vet- erans' banquet given by the Royal Canadian Le- gion, Branch 109, with Rev. F.J. Meyer offer- ing the Grace and Borden Ross, a past president as M.C. Others at the head table were Mrs. Rena Ross] second vice-president of the Legion Women's Auxiliary; Reeve and Mrs. H. McParland, Pat Jones, Commander of Zone 82, and his wife; Jim Crook, the Branch president, and his wife, Jean, president of the Women's Auxiliary; Mrs. Joan Nugent, president of McCausland Hospital Auxiliary; Mrs. Rena McAdam, president of the Hospital Board of Governors; Mrs. Barbara Mc- Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gould, W.C. Tripp, Supt., of C.P.Rail, Schreiber, and his wife; L.V. Bourke, secretary-treasurer Branch 109, and his wife; Gerry Nicol, Legion past presid- ent; and Mrs. Edmond Nicol. Reg Bailey gave the toast to the Queen; Bor- den Ross, to the.Fallen Comrades and Jim Crook, to the only veterans of the first World War present - Tommy Whitton and Harry Smith. Mr. Crook also toasted the Women's Auxiliary for their complete support of the Branch. Reeve McParland spoke briefly of town pro- jects asking for patience in the bad roads - problem, saying other communities have had sim- iliar conditions, and despite all the frustra- tions, the installation of sewage in the town is a big step forward. C.P.Rail, he continued, has offered $50,000 to assist in the building of the new dam at Cooks Lake and there is hope that this work project will start under the Winter Works Project program. He thanked the Auxiliary for its generous donation to the new medical centre; saying a study is now being made to secure a Senior Citizens Housing comp- lex and urged voters to vote at the coming mu- nicipal elections. Pat Jones said that too often such an occa- sion is used for regretting deeds not done. In- stead, we should resolve to do deeds of kind- ness. W.C. Tripp commended the Legion's contribu- tion to their community. A cheque for $500 was presented to Mrs. McAdam and Mrs. Nugent for the McCausland Hospital Fund., Mrs. Nugent gave a detailed account of the planning which has gone into the proposed hospital which serves Schreiber, Ter- race Bay and Rossport. An approval from the Ministry of Health has been received for a new Health Centre to serve the district. In Sept-| ember, Dr. J. Baldwin, area planning coordina- tor and Mrs. A.D. Karapita, administrative con- sultant from the Ministry of Health, met with Board of Governors in Terrace Bay and Grant Puttock, president of K-C, gave information on the projected population for the construction period of the Terrace Bay mill expansion, be- ginning in the Spring of 1975. The inadequacy of the present hospital was explained to the Ministry of Health. Dr. Baldwin stated the Board could think of a new hospital as contai- ning in-patients beds and a wide range of hea- 1th programs. Since this meeting the Planning Board has met frequently to consider a final draft of their needs in the new structure and this will be forwarded to the Ministry. A cost has not yet been quoted for the new buil- ding, but it is estimated at $2,000,000: To achieve our goal we, the district, must real- ize this new hospital is a mutual project and support it not only financially but morally. To fail to reach our financial objective would leave us in the frightening position of having no hospital within immediate reach. Photo below shows Jean Crook presenting the $500 cheque to Joan Nugent and Rena McAdam for the hospital fund. Mrs. Jean Crook, president of the Auxiliary amidst amused applause, presented a $1,000 cheque to her husband, Jim, president of the Branch. Mr. Crook, after thanking the Auxil- iary, gave a report on the Branch's 1974 act- ivities. Mrs. Crook, presenting the Auxiliary report stated their new building fund, with interest, is close to the $10,000 mark. In addition, they have given $500 to the Schreiber Medical Centre, $425 to the Legion Sports Fund, $100 to Amethyst House, $100 to McCausland Hospital plus cheques presented that night, $25 to the Veterans' Xmas Tree Fund in Winnipeg, $100 bursaries to high school students, and $30 to Life Guards. Following 'the dinner, Pam Jones and Inez McCuaig played for rounds of old songs until the Party Sound took over with music for dan- cing and singing.