OCTOBER 30, I974 TERRACE BAY NEWS FACE 5 I0 YEARS AG - continued This is one of the highest awards presented by St. John Ambulance Brigade. Governor General Vanier will make the presentation. Rebekah Lodge members who received IS5-year jewels were- Mrs. M. Nelson, Red Rock; Mrs. Verna Linkewich, Mrs. Beth Mecadam, Mrs. Mary Nelson, Fort William, Mrs. Annie Niemi, Mrs. Anna laine (sisters), Mrs. Norma Fummerton, Mrs. Kitty Whitton, Mrs. Mavis Slater, Mrs. Nettie Thrower, Mrs. Mil- dred Smith, Mrs. Violet Nesbitt and Mrs. Dora Weaver. VOL. T2, No. 43, OCTOBER 30, 1969 - 5 YEARS AGD eeccacen What promises to be an active and enthusiastic club was formed last Thursday night in Terrace Bay when snowmobile operators chose an executive to head their affairs. Those heading the group are: Joe Desaulniers, Jon Mac- Donald, Harold Kodila, Lionel Waghorn, Bill McKie, Carmon Brant, Ethel Boyd, Marvin Osmar and Junior Director - Rod Larson. February 20th, I970, is being set aside by Kinsmen Clubs to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Kinsmenship. A gala dinner and ball will be held at the Skyline Hotel in Toronto to celebrate this "golden" event. The Schreiber Kinsmen will also hold a celebration in Schreiber, under the leader- ship of Kin Carl LeBlanc and Kin Mike Reid. Schreiber Forms Pinewood Court Auxiliary - A delegation of Pinewood Court Auxiliary members visited Schreiber last week for the monthly meeting with Schreiber being the host. Officers of the Schreiber auxiliary are - Mrs. Alex Gordon, vice-president; Mrs, Iver Jacomb, treasurer, Mrs. Ken Davis, president and Mrs, Wesley Clemens, secretary. Officers of the newly-formed Home and School Association in Schreiber were Mrs. John Spillane, Mrs. Ralph Morrill, Mrs. George Lengyel, Mrs. Cyril Pyke, Mrs. Robert Ellicott, Mrs. Earl Glad and Douglas Reynolds. The Schreiber High School Students Council has decided to work towards a major goal this year and the students unanimously came to the conclusion that this goal should be a trampoline for the school gym - something the students of Schreiber High School have wanted for years and something every student will be able to use. VOL. I6, No. 43, OCTOBER 3I, 1973 ~ I YEAR AM .evecececccss Northern Ontario students will find it easier to visit Toronto under a new travel program announced last week by Education Minister Thomas Wells. Under the program, called Ontario Young Travellers, grade 7 and 8 classes can apply, for cash subsidies that will assist students, teachers, and adult chaperones to spend at least two days in the provin- cial capital. World Series Winners of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 223, ladies Auxiliery draw were - Ist game - Barry Walsh, 2nd game - no winner, 3rd game S. Kuczama, 4th game J. Schmeidchen, 5th game, E. Salesse, 6th & 7th games - no winner. At the anmual athletic awards dey, lake Superior High School, tropies were presented as follows: Arlene Krause, Gerard Pineault, Darlene Fummerton, Mark Stokes, Clover Dukes, Lonnie Connelly. School letters were presented to Valerie larson, Mark Stokes, Bill Smilsky and Shane Walsh. The Award of Excellence was presented to Mark Stokes, Rae Sisson, Linda Beauparlant, Ron Chicoine and Susan Johnson. Lake Superior High School cordially invited parents to attend the first parents! night for the 1973-74 school year at Lake Superior High School. The ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 223, Terrace Bay were entertained at their Birthday Party held in the banquet hall. The dinner was prepared and ser- ved by the men of the Branch. Mrs, CQunter thanked Mrs. Gusul for making & decorating the cake, marking II years. CHARITY BINGO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28th at MOOSE HALL 8 P.M. Sponsored by the Catholic Women's League of Terrace Bay. ALL PROCEEDS GO TO THE HOSPITAL BUILDING * FUND. ; Come out and HELP BUILD YOUR NEW HOSPITAL All money prizes - no minors please. Good Citizenship deserves a medal Do you know anyone here in Ontario who--through selflessness, humanity and kindness without expect- ing anything in return--has made this a better province in which to live? That's the kind of person for whom the Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship was established. Recipients are selected by an independent Advisory Council of Ontario citizens whose honerary chairman is the Lieutenant-Governor of the Province. Anyone may nominate a person for the Ontario Medal, and nomination forms are available by writing: Executive Secretary Advisory Council Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1P4 Making a nomination is itself an act of appre- ciation for good citizenship. ONTARIO MEDAL FOR GOOD CITIZENSHIP \