OCTOBER 30, I974 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 3 TERRACE BAY NEWS PUBLISHERS FRANCIS & DEBORAH HELMINK PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY at the News Print- ing Plant, Post Office Building, Terrace Bay OFFICE HOURS - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. MON. --- FRI. MAILING ADDRESS - Box 579, PHONE 825-3747 DEADLINE - for all advertisements and news material is NOON Monday of each week. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $5.00 per year (local) $6.00 per year (out-of-town) Second class mail Registration Number 0867. "HOCKEY" HOUSE LEAGUE An attempt is being made to form a Terrace Bay-Schreiber hockey house league, and althou- gh the turnout at the two meetings has not been overwhelming we feel it is safe to say there will in fact be a league. A rough estimate of the number of available players has been set at between 50-60 with the possibility of a few more players who are not aware of the formation of any such league. These players including unattached Junior age players are asked to get in touch with Ken Ross or Norman Boon in Schreiber, or Marvin Osmar, Bob Cressman, or Ron Lang in Terrace Ray. : It should be noted at this time that elig- ible juniors under 18 years of age will need their parents or guardians consent in writing. Forms will be available from the executive. With 50-60 players, teams will be selected by a grading process which we hope will keep the teams on an equal basis. With this type of formation there will be players residing in Terrace Bay playing for the Schreiber team and vice versa, in this way we hope to avoid the possibility of one team becoming a powerhouse and running away with the league. Also the rules as set forth will be strict- ly adhered too, especially the fighting rule which will be an automatic game misconduct with an additional game suspension, plus fur- ther action if deemed by the executive. This league as a whole is being formed to provide recreational hockey and is not we hope - going to turn into a "blcod" or "head hunting" type cf play as seen in some other house lea- gues. The Terrace Bay Raiders Intermediate Club last year won the Nor-West League, and provid- ed 'some fine entertainment for the fans, and . We appreciated your support. With this new league we are attempting to give you the same if not better this season and are looking for- ward to the support from both communities. If anyone is interested in playing or assist- ing in any way please contact any of the players, or the names mentioned. REPRESENTATIVES ATTEND 50TH CONVENTION The 50th anniversary year of the Ontario Hospital Association will be climaxed by the convention to be held October 28, 29 and 30th at the Four Seasons Hotel in Toronto. The theme of this year's convention, which will feature addresses by the Minister of Nat- ional Health and Welfare, the Hon. Marc Lalon- de and Ontario Minister of Health, the Hon. Frank Miller, will be "Educating for Health: Your Hospital's Role." More than 9,000 delegates from 250 Ontario hospitals, as well as representatives from hospitals ard health care dssociations in oth- er parts of Canada and the United States, will attend the three-day convention which will in- clude lectures, parcel discussions, group meet- ings anc an exhikitior of modern hospital equip -ment . The McCausland Hospital will be represented at the convention by Vic Mazzone, Administrator and Mae MacLcod, Director of Nursing. STRAND THEATRE TERRACE BAY -- ONTARIO TELEPHONE 825-377] SHOW TIMES - MONDAY-THURSDAY 8:00 P.M. Gj Eh FRIDAY&SATURDAY 7 & 9 P.M. SUNDAY 8:30 P.M. wm] CLINT EASTWOOD UNDERBOLT: Oct. Thu. 31 Sat. 2 Ue Wagses Ghose COLOR BY DE LUXE® and d LIGHTFOOT" | oct Fri. Nov. Sun. 3 Mon. 4 ' ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Liogw ean el Padcton DONALD SUTHERLAND JENNIFER O'NEILL 'LADY ICE' Coton Fined wih Panavsin Equpment A Nationa Genesal Prius Release ANINNIVIHILING 1I00Y v3 wed. 6