OCTOBER I7, 1974 TERRACE BAY NEWS : PAGE 5 5 YEARS AGO - continued from page 4 .cccecee ter 1969" will be given by the department of lands and forests 4H U B : E- L to any sportsman who brings in the jaw of a moose shot during 1969 hunting season, providing he also supplies the department with the sex of the moose, location and date of kill, and a THUND ER BAY. ONT. Jaw holding all the cheek teeth. PH ON E 345-2311 Identification badges will be issued with resident and non- resident small game licences this year the department of dands and forests fish and wildlife branch reports. FAM i LY H 0 M - IN TE Rn RAC FE BAY I YEAR AGO - Vol, I6, No. UI, October I7, I973. W : STUD MILL FOR TERRACE BAY - Kimberly-Clark of Canade Ltd. Electrical ly heated 3 bedroom bungalow, 'will build a $3.3 million stud mill, dry kiln and planer oper- with 2 more bedrooms downstairs. ation at Terrace Bay, it was announced in Toronto on October ------ 9th, by Hon. Leo Bernier, Ministry of Natural Resources, and La rge yard with side drive and p | ayground A.F. Hayoraft, president of Kimberly-Clark. nearby -. A special presentation honouring Charlie Wise and his crew . of ra Nol nos aa Megraw, Ir for their competition in || Fully carpeted except for kitchen and an international event was made by Reeve Bray before the reg- bathroom. ' ular Council meeting on October 9th. $35,200 i 00 Terrace Bay Cleaners announced the tskeover by Mr. Walter Zaporzan of Schreiber. The Schreiber Fireman's Annual Ball was scheduled for October 26th in the Schreiber High School ford - 767-2247 Mrs. Anastasia (Annie) LeBlanc, of Pinewood Court, spent 3 a Hor 00th birinday With Iwr family snd Friends in Schretber Char fe McCullagh ~ 345-1766 and Terrace Bay. Lorne Colpitts - 577-3892 Mr. and Mrs, Hubert D. Weaver of Schreiber invited every- one to an "At Home! on October 27th on the occasion of their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Delores Olson - 345-1574 UTH ANNUAL FIREMAN'S BALL OCTOBER 25th 10p.m.-2a.m. Schreiber High School DOOR PRIZE 0. $100. COSTUME PRIZES (ATTENDANCE NOT REQUIRED) ($50., $30., $20.) Tickets $1.00 per person Support Your Local "~"""" Volunteer Fire Brigade