Dic August 5, 1974 DARWIN E. SMITH ' CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD AND CHIEF: EXECUTIVE OFFICER TO THE PEOPLE AT TERRACE BAY: This brings you my special thanks for the work which the Terrace Bay team did in making our Directors' meeting early last week an outstanding success. The best evidence of how our Directors and those traveling with the Directors reacted to your planning and hospitality is the decision which was made at the conclusion of the Board meeting. I very much enjoyed the luncheon which followed the meeting, and it was a pleasure to meet all the people who participated. Again, thanks to all of you. You have a big job cut out for you, and I know that the people at Terrace Bay will make the project a resounding success. Best personal regards, Cl Ww x pa i KIMBERLY-CLARK OF CANADA LIMITED TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO CANADA NEENAH WISCONSIN 54956 PHONE (414)729-1212 An Equal Opportunity Employer