JUNE I9, 1974 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE I9 OPP Press Release - continued TRAFFIC: The summer tourist traffic through the area is on the increase with a correspond- ing increase in the accident experience. On June 7th, I974 a vehicle collision occ- urred on Highway #I7 at the Westerly limits of Schreiber, when a car driven by Andre DESCHAMPS of Marathon left the highway and struck a rock cut. There was an estimated $I,000.00 damage to the car and Deschamps was treated for lacer -ations. On the I0th of June, I974, a two vehicle collision occurred on Highway I7 in the Steel River area. The accident occurred when an eastbound car driven by Marguerite WARD of Nels son, B.C. and a westbound car driven by Grace ZAWERBNY of Willowdale, Ontario sideswiped. It was raining heavily at the time of the acc- ident. Property damage to the vehicles total- led $II100.00 and there was no injuries. At I0:I5 a.m., Saturday, June I5th, I974 a westbound I974 Ford Station wagon hauling a 200 foot travel trailer went out of control seven tenths of a mile east of the Schreiber Detachment and rolled over. The unit was driven by Robert MALLOCH, age 70 of Button, Michigan. The car received $5500.00 damage and the trailer $2800.00. Malloch and his wife Gladys were treated for lacerations and bruis- es. This accident is the second within a week involving cars hauling travel trailers at the same location and it was fortunate there were only minor injuries sustained in each case. SAFETY: Wheeling and dealing with traffic is an art every cyclist should know says the 0.P. P. and spring is the ideal time to refresh memories. The Schreiber Detachment requests each parent to take a few minutes of their time and conduct a safety check of the bicycle their child is using. Worn or loose handlebarg and grips, loose or missing spokes, worn chain links, cuts in tires and air pressure must be taken car of. Lubricate chain and bearings each spring and later on in mid-summer. Bic- ycle fit is important. Children must be able to reach the ground with the ball of the foot when seated. If they cannot do this, the bike is too big. For younger children only bicycles equipped with coaster brakes should be used. RIDING WITH TRAFFIC: Bicycling in traffic with -out knowledge of traffic laws and signals is suicidal. Whenever possible, take the easy way out. Walk, don't ride, across busy inter- sections. It's safer and often faster to avo- id busy streets. Always ride on the right-hand side of the road, close to the curb. Watch for car doors opening in your path. When avoiding parked cars, potholes and storm sew- ers, be cautious. Never swerve. If you have to ride at night, your bicycle must be equipped with a front light and white reflective tape. In the rear, have a tail- light or a red reflector plus red reflective tape. SPRING TREE PLANTING AND SEEDING - by D. Offord, Unit Forester During May and June tree planting crews, consisting entirely of ladies from Manitouwad- ge, are planting white and black spruce and jack pine seedlings on the Ontario Paper Limits Most of the trees will be planted on sites scarified in the summer of I973, just north and south of Camp 70 and in the Fields Lake area. Scarification by tractors pulling heavy barrels and chains, produces furrows free of logging debris, leaves, moss and competing veg -etation, thus facilitating tree planting. Tree planting out of Ramsey Lake camp, near Hillsport, began on May 24th, employing labour brought in from as far away as Pickle Lake and Fort Hope. White and black spruce seedlings are being planted in the Janet Lake, Stilwell Lake and Bound Lake areas, on the American-Can license. continued page 24 SENIOR CITIZENS WEEK -- WE'RE LIVING EVERY MINUTE OF IT In recognition of Senior Citizens Week, which is presently being celebrated, the following programme is being planned and is open to all Senior Citizens of Schreiber, Terrace Bay and Rossport. Read over the programme and plan to participate: Thursday, June 20th I:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Bowling Games Room Activities Terrace Bay Recreation Centre. Light Lunch, Conference Room of Recreation Centre. 2:30 p.m. 'to 3:30 p.m. Friday, June 2Ist ----------------------------- ---------- -- / I:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Wine & Cheese Party Birchwood Terrace Lobby. PLAN TO PARTICIPATE' Fr