PAGE I2 TERRACE BAY NEWS ___JUNE I9, 1974 TOURNAMENT WINNERS The grade 8 boys of Holy Angels School, Schreiber walked away with the 'A' division trophy in the Long Lac Elementary School Tourn- ament held on May 25 and 26. Both boys and girls of grade 7 and 8 classes attended the week-end tournament. Both girls teams made the semi-finals. There was a total of 30 teams entered in the tournament from the North Shore. Front row - left to right - Nicky Figliomeni Billy Campbell, Jim McGrath, Pat Webb, Lawrence Speziale. Back row - left to right - Joey Kostecki, Dale Ross, Tommy Ray, Mr. Bob McEwan - coach, Darcy Weaver, Dana Cook, Joey Campbell. REEVE MCPARLAND ADDRESSES C.W.L. At the June meeting of the Schreiber Catholid Women's League, Mrs. Lorette McParland gave a report on the recent Diocesan Convention, say- ing Mrs. Norah McGuire, local past president was elected first vice president of the dioces- an council. Mrs. Lucette Chicoine, who presided for the meeting, urged the members to presistently re- mind children to be careful in riding their bikes. The correspondence, read by Mrs. Gloria Mullins, included information from Pam Adey, local Recreation Director, concerning adult swimming lessons. Minutes of the last meeting and the treasur- er's report were adopted as read by Mrs. Mull- ins and Mrs. S. Connelly. A plea was made for leaders for the Girl Guides. The rental of the Parish Hall for social occH asions was discussed but the matter tabled un- til meetings resume in the Fall when C.W.L. catering will also be studied. Father F.J. Meyer offered the opening and closing prayers. Following the meeting Reeve H.J. McParland gave a most informative talk of town affairs, with financial statements when possible. i Mrs. Chicoine thanked Mr. McParland and presented him with a gift. A social hour followed the meeting. CHIMO CLUB OPENING Among the honoured guests attending the for} -mal opening of Chimo Senior Citizens Club in Schreiber were Keith Penner, M.P. and Mrs. F Penner, Norman A. Cafik, M.P. Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Health and Welfare, Jack Stokes MLA and Mrs. Stokes, D.G. Walton, local manager of the Bank of Mon~ treal and Mrs. Walton, Pierre Michel Dube of Thunder Bay, Schreiber's reeve and council and clerk-treasurer, A.J. Gauthier. ; Tommy Whent, the president, was master of ceremonies, describing the planning and diffi- culties in obtaining labour to accomplish ren- ovations necessary in the building. G Mr. Penner, who introduced Mr. Cafik, spoke of their mutual ambitions in securing such i centres, saying he was particularly proud of 4 those in northwestern Ontario, .his bailiwick Mr. Cafik, also admiring the club decore, said that following up New Horizon Grants which made such quarters possible, he had be deeply impressed by the way in which the fund: had been spent. 2 Mr. Stokes said he brought the official g greetings of Premier William Davis and The Ho Rene Brunelle and their congratulations. He paid tribute to the senior citizens who had 3 helped him 'grow up' and the older he grew th more respect and admiration he felt for them. He remarked on the benificence of the Bank of Montreal in acknowledging'the patronage of their long-time old customers. The handsome new club he said was proof that what cannot accomplished by one or two can be achieved handsomely in a collective effort. Mr. Walton expressed the Bank of Montreal® pleasure in seeing such enjoyment in their gift of their former premises, a debt of grat itude to the faithful customers who had made their business in Schreiber such an obvious success. Lester McCuaig, past president said it was his hope that with a centre now available for such purposes the townspeople would further | their opportunity to learn about the many eth nic cultures from friends within the communit cuisines, folklore from which spring so many of their traditions and celebrations, in a continued page I3 Vives veves