PAGE 6 TERRACE BAY NEWS JUNE I2, I974 Hospital Meeting = continued The President of the Auxiliary reported that their Spring Ball was a social and fin- ancial success. The members from Rossport have authorized purchase of two over-bed tab- les with monies raised at a recent bingo. The new lobby furniture, should be arriving soon. The Auxiliary will send two delegates to a District Meeting in Thunder Bay on May 22 & 23rd. : Under new business the Standing Committees for the 1974-75 hospital year were appointed. The Administrator will investigate the possi- bility of installation of a panic bar for the front door. The next regular meeting will be held on June I8, 1974 at 7:30 p.m. in the Terrace Bay Municipal Office. AUXILIARY HOLDS SPECIAL MEETING A special meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #223 was called for June 3rd. There was an exception- ally good turn out of ladies at this meeting. Following roll call and minutes of the last meeting, the treasurer gave her financial rep- ort. Correspondence was read and the various com- mittees gave their reports. J. Gunter reported the bingos were going quite well and so far the jackpot has not as yet been won. Madam Pres. S. Gusul ond a report regard- ing special auxiliary meeting and ladies were asked to state their views and opinions on same. A motion was made by D. Coupal to donate a sum of money to the Men's Branch. Motion was accepted and passed. - Several gentlemen from the Men's Branch were in attendance and Mr. F. Cruickshank, Branch President was called upon to speak a few words. Mr. Cruickshank spoke on why we have a legion today and how it was formed. In conclusion he expressed his appreciation to the ladies auxiliary. Secretary, J. Mercier asked that the treas- urer send out bills in the future as she does not feel this should be the secretaries job. A letter is to be sent to the Men's Branch asking if they will cater to the ladies auxil- iary birthday party. A motion was passed to bond the treasurer for a period of three years and bondage to be raised. Books are due to be audited and Madam Pres. asked that these be done : continued page 7 .... CROSSWORD PUZZLE TODAY'S ANSWER ACROSS 41. "Show 1. Eschew Boat" 5. Porker captain 8. -- DOWN recorder 1. One kind 9. East of horse Indian 2. Asylum : cedar 3. On top of 13. Athirst the heap 14. "I Fall -- (4 wds.) Too Easi- 4. Little ly" (2 Edward wads.) 5. Worked 19. Honey 25. English 15. Maynard on copy badger river or Murray 6. Russian 20. -- Ro- 27. Like re- 16. RR stop river manorum fined (abbr.) 7. Sanskrit (collec- iron 17. Take the school tion of 30. Otate cham- 10. Wasted medieval 31. Prepare _ pionship (3 wds.) tales) 33. Duelist's 18. Dinner 11. Ride the 23. Bar order memento course skies 24. "Ivan- 36. Islet 20. Insect 12. Lessee hoe" 37. Oriental 21. Callous 16. Withered heroine tea 22. Perinine " EER 0 23. Greek island 8 9 Laie La 25. Son of 13 14 Jacob 26. Julia 15 16 17 Ward -- : 27. Location 18 19 20 28. Missing : G.I 21 22 ; 29. Broker's iE relative 23 [24 25 32. Homily : (abbr.) 3 : Espy 26 27 34. Carmen 4 Me 28 29 30 (31 . Twine 3%. Actress, 32 ad 34 williams |35 3s n 38. Kind of 38 39 39. fastened 005 a . Hastene 40. Attempt i TENDERS | Sealed tenders will be received by the under= signed until 5 P.M. Thursday, June 20, 1974, for the following: PAINTING EXTERIOR OF HOUSE #73 HUDSON DRIVE Details and further particulars may be obtain? ed by contacting the undersigned. The lowest, or any tender, not necessarily accepted. W. Hanley, Clerk-Treasurer Township of Terrace Bay Box 40, Terrace Bay, Ontario.