MARCH 20, I974 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE I7 Some of the snowmachine committee: back row - Jon McDonald, Lynn. Merkley, Bruce McBride, Ron Dakin, Roddy Larson; front row - Bill . Hanley, Kenny Hanley, Ethel Boyd, Labatt's representative, Mel Bushley. 'ART CLUB COMPLETES COURSE The Schreiber Art Club has just completed a very successful course, with Mrs. Alice Sparkes. All those who took advantage of her classes thoroughly enjoyed themselves and learned a great deal. Some of the pictures vailited by beginners were excellent and Mrs. Sparkes was pleased with their progress. Her help and encouragement has been apprec- iated by all who attended the classes. The Club wants to remind all members and prospective members that registration for the Confederation College extension course in Art with Mrs. Helen Strickland takes place on March 29th from 9 - I p.m. in the basement of the town hall. For further information con- tact: Mrs. Alice Sparkes 824-2689 or Mrs. Shirley Brown: 824-254I. TERRACE BAY POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT A total of 24 occurrences were investigated during the past week by the Terrace Bay Police. On March 2nd, two young girls were reported missing from home at Marathon. They were loc- ated and returned. As a result of a check through CPIC on March I3th, it was ascertained that two transients were wanted on warrant by other Police Departments. March I4th - a charge under the Code for driving while licence was suspended against a Schreiber youth was laid. During the week one charge under the Liquor Control Act was laid along with 4 charges under the High -way Traffic Act. Police were called to 2 domestic disputes. 4 transients were checked Criminal 7 motor vehicles safety checked & 5 warnings. HOSPITAL MEMBERSHIP FEES PURCHASE EQUIPMENT: Many people have asked the person who approaches them regarding hospital membership the following question: "What does the hospital do with the money it receives each, year from membership fees?" Last year the hospital collected a total of $1020. in Annual Membership Fees. This money together with revenue from preferred accomoda- tions and donations from the Hospital Auxiliary and other community organizations purchased the following equipment in I973: Gestetner Machine & Cabinet $570. Cribs for Children's Ward (2) 810. Electric Typewriter 518. Double Basin Stand-Operating Room 98. Wall Cabinets (2) 180. Vacuum Cleaners 206. Rug Shampooer 54. Emergency Room Stretcher 472. Examination Light 359. Multiplier 272. Suction Machine & Utility Table 330. Office Chair 35. Humidifier 74. TOTAL $4,016. This is not a financial statement. Some of these items were new additions while others. were replacements of items which had reached the end of their useful life. As you know, provincial operating grants do not include complete grants for: major equipment but only annual depreciation which" in our hos- pital was $417. for 1973. : Because much of our equipment is fully de- preciated and is quite old we will continue to need the support of all the people of the area in order to provide quality health care services. We know that individuals and organ- izations will continue to give their financial support for the purchase of hospital equipment. Public Relations Committee The McCausland Hospital Board. Donna Gellert and Myrna Gauthier are in Geraldton taking the Red Cross Water Safety Leader Course. The girls are sponsored by the Schreiber Recreation Association. Ounce Of Gold In South Africa some 2% tons of rock must be processed to produce an ounce of gold and a sliver of silver. [¢