om try ACE TERRACE BAY NEWS FEBRUARY 6,./197. Hospital Board - continued from Page IT... Correspondence included a letter from Jack Stokes, MPP regarding Al Allen's sugg- estions for fund raising. A telegram from the Ontario Hospital Association regarding the recently announced Hospital Salary In- quiry Commission was also read. . Accounts for December, I973 in the amount of $29,949 were Passed for payment. Rena McAdam welcomed Joan Nugent, new President of the Auxiliary, to her first Board meeting. Four Board positions will be open for election at the Annual Meeting and a Nominating Co to propose repl mmittee will be named shortly acements for any present mem- CROSSWORD PUZZLE TODAY's ANSWER 3341 EIEIEIEI(« 1/0[3[S d3IN[IAS ACROSS DOWN VINNIE IAS HD 1. Dross 1. Multitude NONERW| | lv HIV] 5. German of bees 31] NVIa ENNNE) 10. Subside - 3. Dostoyey- 5 11. Eddie of sky work ADD dis song (3 wds.) LVS 33/0 12. English 4. "Oh by L VIO SR VILIN IN poet Jingo, Oh NISIHE SH O/H[Y 13. Cling to by --» JH 3H 3/H[S 14. Greek 5. French B= 3H Sid IINVIMI letter writer, HILO vis 15. Go apace Andre -- 16. Barnyard 6. Kirghiz, 11. Not make 26. Immediately denizen U.S.S.R. it (2 wds.) 17. Intellect- city 15. Assailed 27. -- out ual 7. Thomas (2 wds.) (beat) 19. Gravy -- Mann 18. Red 28. Perished 20. Legal work brother's 29. Growing document (3 wds.) shelter outward 21. Kitchen 8. At this 19. Noble- 31. Asseverate - staple time man 34. Opposite 22. Evian 9. Negative 21. Skidoo! of WSWwW or contrac- 24. Go 35. "Cnt Vichy tion hungry Si Bon" 23. Wail 24. Proof- reader's word 25. Miss Ponselle 27. Feminine suffix 28. Descend- ant of one of Jacob's sons 30. Burmese knife 31. OLjective 32. Sine qua -- 33. Feel sorrow 35. Sicilian city . 36. Balanced 37. Religious . body 38. Postpone 39. Corner ber not willing to stand for re-election, There will also be nominations from the floc at the Annual Meeting. V. Mazzone reported that Karen Hiebert h; attended a seminar on medical records coding in Toronto on January 2Ist and 22nd. The -- November Operating Report showed the hospi ta was $8,672 over its approved budget. Joan Nugent announced that the Auxiliary Membership Drive was very successful and the have 7II members for 1974. A financial re- port was read and receipt of two donations a the last Auxiliary meeting was noted. The Tuck Shop Committee is finalizing its plans for the purchase of new furniture in the hospital lobby. Under new business, a motion was passed to write-off $295.00 of uncollectable accoun- ts.. Also, v. Mazzone presented a report from Roy Bray regarding discussions with the Schreiber Council about the ambulance service The Board agreed that they would listen to any Proposals regarding improvements to this service. The next meeting was scheduled for Tues- day, February 19, 1974 in the Terrace Bay Municipal Office. SPORTS SLANTS = By Ray Shank 'The spanking new World Football League, the brain-child of the. man who gave birth to the World Hockey Association - Gary Davidson = will provide us Sports fans with even more © to cheer about once it gets going, this fall ... on' TV, that is. : Plans of the embryo WFL are to kick off the season on national (U.S.) Tv with one game, probably on .Wednesdays to wet the appetite, and then come on with the balance of the schedule on Thursdays. A few U.S. sportswriters feel Davidson's league won't get off the ground, but most are 'at least waiting till the league gets started. Those same writers used to laugh when the AFL (American Football League) was inaugur- ated and there were Scores like Oakland 52, San Diego 28, or New York Titans 46, Denver Broncos 45. But they became believers on June 8, That's when the AFL and the NFL (National Football League) merged. % Then on January 12, 1969, the sports wor- 1d was shocked. That's the day Joe Namath continued page 9 eevee.