PAGE I4 TERRACE BAY NEWS : FEBRUARY 6, I974 BROWNIE NEWS ATMA SCQUEDULE The Ist Terrace Bay Brownie Pack held en- {(suhjecti to unavoidable change) rollmerit ceremonies in the month of January in which tweenies Lisa Helmink, Penny Luke, vod, Teb, A - R:00-12:00 Arena Maintenance - Kelley Rogers, Joan Costall, Heather Saranpaa, 1:90- 3:00 Fublic Skating Shelley Velanoff and Kathleen Ramsay were en- 1:00- 4:00 Figure Skating rolled as Brownies. (shown in photo). 5300=- 7:00 Major Peewees Brown Owl gave a brief talk on badgework 2:00 INTERQ-EDIATES and Brownie, Theresa Robitaille showed her Teron Bay @ Terrace Bay work for her artists badge. Thurs, feb,7 ~ 2:00-12:00 Arena Maintenance Parents joined in two lively games with y 1:00- 3:00 Public Skating School the pack. (pictured below). 3:00- 5:00 Atoms - Apollos € A lunch of tea, coffee and cinamon toast - Mercuries was prepared and served by the Golden Hand 5:00~ 7:00 Bantams Brownies. 7:00- 8:00 Midgets 3:00- 9:30 Juniors 9:30-11:00 Intermediates Fri. Feb.8 - R:00-12:00 Arera Maintenance 1:00- 3:00 Fublic Skating School 4200- 5:00 Figure skating 65:00- 7:00 Peewee .ouse Leazue Coucars € Thunderbirds «00 DITEREDIATES 1 £0 Marathon € Terrace lay Sat,Feb.9 - 11:00-12:00 Atoms - Ceminis € 5 4 id Apollos 12:00- 1:00 Hdrets 1315~ 7315 Firure Skating - £:00-10:30 ibis (ON: OGRE wander Jay € I. Jay 3m. feb. 10 - 9:30-12:00 ficure Skating 1:30- *:30 JUIOR MOCKEY Thunder Bay € T, Day 5330- 6330 "lingette Jvs. 5330- 7:30 iingette Srs, 7330- ©330 Fublic Skating Hon.Feh,11 - 8:00-12:00 Arena .aintenance 1250-3180 Public Skating 4400- A300 Figure skating 5:00~ 7:00 Feewee 'louse Leasu mstanss (3 cougar 73:00- 8:00 Cantaus £300- 0:00 Hdzet 0 ~ J 0:00-11:00 Internediates eh.12- 98:00-12:00 Arena aintenance 1:00- 3100 Public Skating 5:00- 5:00 Atoms Apollos € iMercuries +00- 7:00 liinor Pcewees :00- 8:00 Major Peewees :00- 9:00 Bantams :00-10:30 Juniors Wed, Tebh,13 :00-12:00 Arena Maintenance :00- 3:00 Public Skating 00- 6:00 Figure Skating aaa i San A Svar ol his 00- 7:00 Major Peewees 00- 9:00 Public Skating 00-11:00 Intermediates i