DECEMBER I2, I973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 7 L.S.H.S. GEOGRAPHY FIELD TRIP Recently the Geography Department of Lake Superior High School held a field trip involv- ing Kimberly Clark and Wilwood Operations. The first year students from both the Schreiber and Terrace Bay Campus participated in this unique educational experience. The Ministry of Natural Resources provided the "hardhats" required and Kimberly Clark granted permission to use the companys road and offer- ed the services of several of its personnel. The trip was a great success and a memorablg learning experience for all involved. Special thanks is expressed to Mr. B. Haas, Mr. D. Mannisto, Mr. Penna, Mr. G. Puttock and Mr. D. Thompson for their co-operation and assistance on this worthwhile trip. MOOSE BOWLING LEAGUE Standings as of December 4, I973: Orlesky 79; Davey 75; Sadowick 72; Benko 67%; Hart 57; Birch 54%. Games over 200 this week: M. Didura 2I0; C. Zborowski 209; S. Sadowick 237, 2I2; J. Sopel or THE CONFEDERATION COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY ~~ Winter Program Offering Ex 852: AMATEUR PICTURE TAKING A course designed to instruct a beginner in camera handling and picture taking techniques. The course will also deal with Lab work such as enlarging, develo- ping and various procedures. i REGISTER AT RECREATION CENTRE NOW OR BEFORE JANUARY 4, 1974 CLASS IS LIMITED TO I5 STUDENTS EVERY WEDNESDAY LENGTH OF COURSE: IO WEEKS (30 HOURS) FEE: $I5.00 PLUS MATERIALS. MIXED LEAGUE BOWLING Standings as of December 3, I973: 59'ers * I32; Buckles I2I; Wills I02%; Burton 94; Whent 92%; Olde Timers 79; Fireballs 75; Birch 60. Clarence Buck had a 825 triple. Games over 200 = K. Furyk 204; A. Didura 223; M. Reid 26I, 200; S. Reid 203; H. Hiebert 2IT;L. Hiebert 213; C. Buck 279, 252,.294; D. Garvin 2I3; J. Garvin 2I6; L. Fournier 25I; F. Figliomeni 2I7; E. McMillan 205; C. Commi s=- so 24I, 245, 216; 'J. Commisso 202; W. Cameron 215; J. Imbeault 22I; D. Imbeault 238; M. Jean 269; A. Jean 2I5; E. Fummerton 242, 2I3; P. Buso 267, 208; D. Tilbury 279, 207; D. Burton 2I8; Joe Figliomeni 22I, 206; R. Imbea- ult 222; 1. Imbeault 219, 224. 2I3, 226, 2I6; P. Sodaro 240; A. Chepelsky 206, 236; J. Gross 207, 105; A. Szpak 20I; S. Reid 2I9, 2I2; J. Benko 227; B. Pidluzny 207. The Northwestern Ontario Regional Council of Ontario Educational Communications Author- ity met recently in Thunder Bay and elected a new executive. The Chairman of the I5-member body is Mrs. Margaret Averill of Marathon, who has been a member of the Regional Council since its esta=- blishment two and a half years ago. She has been effective in encouraging the wider use of educational television in thé learning process for children and adults in the northshore com- munities. Mrs. Averill succeeds Mr. Fred Soughton of Thunder Bay, who has been chairman for two years. Other executive officegs elected were Mrs. Becky Barber of Thunder Bay, Vice-Chairman; and Mr. Ernest Buchan of Fort Frances, Secre- tary~-Treasurer. i LORNE®S CAMERAS FISHING PACKLE 20 SOUTH COURT STREET : (next to the Paramount Theatre) THUNDER BAY 'P', ONTARIO TELEPHONE 344-0413