TERRACE BAY NEWS Vol. I6 No. 49 December I2, I973 I5¢ Per Copy SCHREIBER COUNCIL QUOTES A citizen attended a November council meet- ing to present several complaints: old tires be -ing left at the excavation in the north end of town and being set on fire causing black ash to fall nearby properties; several large transport trucks blocking traffic and sidewalks while un- loading; exhaust fumes from a local garage be- ing forced directly out on the street; a body shop carwashing facility allowing soapy water and rinse water to run, forming ice and slipp~- ery sections on a main street; and, at times, the street being completely blocked on south Winnipeg St. at Columbia St. Council gave assurance the conditions would be investigated. It was decided to purchase from the Marathon Realty Co. IIO feet on Winnipeg Street, with depth of 270 feet (total area 36,000 Ft.) land on which the Board of Education Office is situ- ated and where cenotaph stands, for the sum of $10,860.00. A letter from Claude Bennett, Minister of Industry and Tourism, stated if local people are willing to bring to the attention of the Northern Development Corporation projects in- volving the private sector, every facility of his ministry will be at their disposal. Another range was purchased for the town hall kitchen. It was decided to purchase a I5 ton jack at a price of $499.00 and, a combination body dump box for $I6I0.00. The estimate of $458.24 from Spadoni Co. for repairs for a 1968 Chev truck, was accepted. The Royal Canadian Legion, Kakabeka Branch 225 was given permission to sell tickets in Schreiber for the I5th annual Nolalu Fish Derby on March 3rd. continued page 2 .......s LEGION FISH DERBY The Annual Legion Fish Derby prizes were given out at the dance held at the Legion hall on Friday evening, November 30th. Jim Clancy was in charge of this event. The Molson Award and Individual trophy, usually presented by Max Mekilok, was won by Lorraine Desaulniers, with Charlie Koski stand -ing in for Max. (photo below) Runner up was Nick Chopty. The largest Rainbow Trout, caught by Bill Hanley, won the Jim Lawrence Memorial Trophy, donated by Mrs. Lawrence, and presented by Jean Fisher. Runner up was Henry Duriez. Wilf Mallais showed his ability to catch fish by taking first prize in the Speckled Trout, Pickerel and Pike divisions. His prize was accepted by Mrs. Mallais. Runner up in the Speckled Trout race went to Archie Heinrich. Second prize for Pickerel went to Ned West, third to Paul Coupal and second prize for Pike went to Agnes Paulsen, third to Jim St. Louis. continued page 4 .......