NOVEMBER 28, I973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE I5 Veterans Banquet = continued went out and did not return? sacrifice of those who died? -ter for their sacrifice? yest! The first world war - end all wars, people believed - achieved 20 years of almost univer- sal peace. The second world war, achieved 30 years of comparative peace. But, wars continue - there will always be wars, but we can attempt to con -tain them in smaller areas. If the sacrifice made to better our lives is to count we must consider well what the ingredients of a better life are. Freedom and happiness are the main ones. The average per- son requires food, shelter and some happiness in whatever he relaxation. The maximum freedom is found in the maintenance of Law and Order =-- what you veterans fought for. And it is the responsibility of all of us to maintain these dearly = bought privileg- es - freedom in its widest meaning. Maybe only those who have lost it can truly appreci- ate freedom. And we, who enjoy it, should cherish it, defend it vigilantly, and be aware of the smallest breach of its protection and ever-mindful of the debt to those who fought for it. On behalf of the Women's Auxiliary Barbara Ann McLaughlin presented a cheque for. one thousand dollars to the Legion to be placed in their building fund. Mr. Nicol reviewed the past year of the Legion activities, noting there are I39 members and again thanked the Auxiliary for its supp- ort in arranging the banquet and, the United Church Women who catered for and served the turkey dinner. The evening ended with a cabaret party. ° Gerry Nicol centre with two World War Veter- ans Tommy Bolan, right and Tommy Whitton, left Photo by I. McCuaig. Was it worth the Was life any bet For my own life =-- Bordon Ross, P.P. and M.C.; Dr. M. Spacik, guest speaker, G.A. Nicol, Legion President and L.A. Bourke, Legion treasurer. I. McCuaig. Photo by: , CREDIT UNION ANNUAL MEETING The C.P.R. Employees (Schreiber) Credit Union Limited held their annual meeting on November I6th with F.V. Harness presiding. Others at the head table were W.G. Wilson, president; C.M. Baillie, vice-president; G.A. Nicol, secretary; W.T. Wallace, manager; Miss Janet Roffey, treasurer. Elected to the Board of Directors were: W.G. Gerow,. A.W. Slater and W.T. Wallace, for three year terms, and R.W. Turner for one year. F.V. Harness was elected to the Credit Com- mittee for three year term. W.G. Wilson and Alex Krystia were elected to the Supervisory: committee. All the officers paid tribute to the late W.G. Furlonger, a long-time member and officer of the association, whose interest and advice had been invaluable, and to his memory, and to that of A.R. Bourk, D.E. McCouan and W. Dunham, other members deceased within this year, paid tribute of a moments silence, foll- owed by the reading of the Prayer of St. Fran- ces - the Union's official prayer. A happy note was struck when.the committee on delinquency stated they had no report - there are no delinquents. W.G. Wilson thanked the officers for their support, and stated the Board of Directors will meet on November 26th to appoint their new pre ~ident and set up various committees. He thanked Chester Baillie and Delores Spikula fo: their assistance in compiling reports for the meeting and other secretarial tasks for this annual meeting. ; Minutes of the last annual meeting, read continued page I6 ......