PAGE 16 TERRACE BAY NEWS ' OCTOBER 31, 1973 MINIQUIZ onvanada's Gréat People BY RAY IRELAND What intrepid Scottish-born explorer (who discovered the mighty river system which bears his name) blazed the first overland trail to the Pacific in 1793, thus becoming the first known man to cross Canada? ADELAIDE DANIELS DO CLOTHES MAKE THE PERSON? Our physical appearance, like a shop window, makes an initial impression upon our public. In our height, weight, complexion and attire we create a definite feeling. Some of our features are not modifiable, but many of them can definitely be improved. The key is to look and feel good -- inside and out. Logically, then. clothing is one very important concern of both men and women. Fashion bulls say clothing for the overweight woman can be pastels, princess lines, vertical stripes, plain colours, narrow sleeves. Fashion editors recommend avoiding the sleeveless look, garish colours and large flashy prints. Stick to a one-piece bathing suit with a skirt, if possible. Pant suits are great because they cover all the sins. Young people should stick to bright colours for make-up choosing whatever is in vogue. The same applies to the older woman, but colours should be softer, more subtle. Male fashion bulls say the" overweight man should go to a store specializing in clothes for his particular problem. The secret is not to try to squeeze into the wrong size, but to aim for clothes that fit well. Apparently anything goes, but the overweight male must dress with a little more taste. Of course, the colour depends on the person, and the older man must be a little more subtle. : Complimentary remarks made to us about our appearance and about us are valued, regardless of their source. The more our ego is inflated, the more pleased we are. Weight loss will make you look and feel better, and you'll have a grand time fitting into smaller sized clothes. Nutritionists and food editors can suggest ways to help you attain the world of properly proportioned human beings, but it is you who has to walk down the path to see how full and rewarding a slim life can really be. Adelaide Daniels is the creator of the Canadian Family Meal Plan and author of the best seller, Adelaide Daniels Weight Watching Cookery. GUIDES AND BROWNIES ANNUAL MEETING The Local Association to Guides and Brown- ies held their Annual Meeting on October 22nd in the Community Church basement. Mrs. G. Moore opened the meeting with the Guide Prayer with I2 members present. Mrs. R. McBride read the minutes of the last annual meeting. Mrs. C. Cvitkovich extended a special thank-you to the L.A. members who helped make and serve lunch and coffee for the Guider training which was held October I3th. It was decided the L.A. members would pay only one dollar membership fee and the L.A. would pay the remaining two dollars for mem- bers. % The L.A. will also pay dues for the lead- ers when pack funds are low. Plans for the Licorice All Sorts Blitz were discussed. The Blitz will be held December 7th from 5:30 to 8:00 P.M. Annual reports were given by Brownie and Guide leaders and committee members. Hostesses for the next meeting, November 26th will be Mrs. Desrosiers and Mrs. Pytyck. The meeting was adjourned and a tasty lunch was served by A. McKie and D. Dakin. SPORTS CORNER {Hes MASSIVE... by THE A ie ) FORREST. TERS oT BLUE TEAMS FINE OFFENSIVE LINE -- NOW IN )T8 FOURTH SEASON ASA UNIT-- THiS f OFFENSIVE LINE /& ANOWN i AS THE PROTECTORS." THE 49ERS HAVE WON |? em eS IN A ROW.