PAGE 8 TERRACE BAY NEWS = JULY 5, 1973 LAKE SUPERIOR HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION Friday, June 22nd marked the completion of a major segment in the lives of eighty stu- dents at the Lake Superior High School. The occassion was the Annual Graduation Exercises, held this year at the Terrace Bay Campus of the school. The Ceremonies opened with the invocation by Rev. Father Meyer. Mr. E.J. Morgan, Direct- or of the Board brought greetings from The Lake Superior Board of Education, Mrs. R. Mulligan, Principal, addressed the gathering. The programme included the presentation of several awards and trophies. The recipients of the typewriting trophies were: First Year-Karen Lamoureux; Second Year- Patricia McGrath; Third Year-Lynn Drake; Four- th Year-Maxine Hubelit. The awards were presented by Mr. L. Fraser. Trophies awarded to students included: The W.W. Rowsome Trophy, for the student contribu- ting the most to school activities presented to Janice Wiznuk by Mr. H. Coe. Maria Venezi- ano received the B.C. Stewart Multi-Credit Trophy from Mr. W. Houston. The president of the Students' Council, received the Students' Council Presidents' Trophy from Mr. E.E. For- gues. Winners of Scholarships and Bursaries were: Mary Costa, the Oddfellows and Rebekah Lodges Scholarship to the top four year commercial student, presented by Mrs. G. Miller. Mrs. R. Mulligan, Principal, addresses the gathering. bring greetings Superior Board of Education. Mr. E.J. Morgan, Director, Judy Parent received the Ladies Auxiliary to the Legion Scholarship for the most deserving fourth year student and Doris Lehto theif aw- ard for the most deserving fifth year student. The Scholarships were presented by Mrs. L. Huard, The Kinsmen Club Scholarship for the top fifth year student was presented by Mr. Brian Birch to Clover Dukes. The top student in fourth year was Beth Ross. She received the Legion, Branch I09, Schreiber Scholarship Presented by Mr. G. Nicol. Mrs. L. Chicoine presented the Catholic Women's League Bursary for the deserving fifth year student to Jim Gerlach. Ted Ross recei- ved the Knights of Columbus Bursary for a deserving fifth year student from Mr. Mel Nicol. The Women of the Moose, Branch I426 pre- sented two bursaries. The first, presented by Mrs. D. Almos, was received by a fourth year deserving student, Beth Ross. The second was awarded to Helen Malashewski, a fifth year student, by Mrs. W. Kurylo. Athletic Awards were presented by Mr. C. Wilde to two graduating students - Lonnie Connely and Clover Dukes. : Mr. E.J. Morgan then presented the gradua- tes with their diplomas. The diplomas award- ed were the Secondary School Honour Graduation Diploma, the Secondary School Graduation Dipl- oma and Certificates of Training. continued page 9 .... Patricia McGrath receives typewriting trophy from Mr. E Fraser, Commercial Director. | from the Lake