JUNE 27, 1973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE II Brt Club '-- cont'd ..esevres Mrs. Brown, who presided, thanked the mem- bers for their enthusiasm and support in or- ganizing the very successful annual show and it was decided to send letters to several non- members for their assistance. The club recorded their appreciation of the ten week course sponsored by Confederation College, with Helen Strickland as the instruc- tor, from which they had learned so much. The minutes and treasurer's report were adopted as read by Rita McGrath and Mary Shack. In the election of officers Shirley Brown was returned as president and Rita McGrath as secretary; new officers were Rose Pyke, first vice president; Olga Cressman, second vice- president and Iris Lidkea, treasurer. The evening ended with a coffee and lunch social hour when a gift was presented to Mrs. Brown. Alice Sparkes, left and Helen Strickland right receives gifts from Schreiber Art Club. Photo by I. McCuaig. Mr. and Mrs. Al Boyd of Sudbury are visit- ing their daughters and their families - Mrs. Bob Krause and Mrs. Millie Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Henry (Punch) Nolan of London are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Campbell. Mrs. Jessie Macadam is the first resident from Schreiber to return from Pinewood Court to the new Birchwood Terrace home. Dorsa Hepburn of Thunder Bay wins the laur el for the most novel and practical way of celebrating family birthdays. On one weekend during the year she visits her grandchildren, the family of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Caldwell, lad- en with gifts, paper hats, noise-makers, all the party paraphenalia for a party, thus avoid -ing the apologies for forgetting a birthday. CHIMO CLUB FIRST BIRTHDAY BANQUET Reversing the common 'June in January' . theme, Ida Krause, social convener for the Chimo Club, arranged a most successful First Birthday Banquet and social evening attended by sixty-five members, from Schreiber, Ross- port and Terrace Bay. At the head table were W.R. Bray, Reeve of Terrace Bay and Mrs. Bray; Rev. Peter McKague and Mrs. McKague of Terrace Bay; Lester McCu- aig, club president, Inez McCuaig, secretary, R.A. Krause, Schreiber councillor and Mrs. Krause, George Birch, the M.C. and Mrs. Birch, Tommy Whent, vice president and Mrs. Whent, and and Miss Cathy Stokes, representing her par- ents, Jack Stokes MLA and Mrs. Stokes who were unable to attend. Lester McCuaig, in welcoming those attend- ing, said the prime purpose of the club is to get people together and this occasion seems to be well-serving the purpose. The dinner was catered for by the United Church Women. Mr. Birch welcomed the guests of honour, and, Gladys and 'Punch' Noland, who had come from London to attend the party, and Jessie Macadam, just returned from Pinewood Court to Birchwood Terrace. Mr. McCuaig presented honorary membership cards to Cathy Stokes for her parents and in return, accepted a handsome scroll made by Eskimos, which had been presented to her fath- er, who was now presenting it to the Chimo Club for their centre. Cathy, with understand -ing pride, explained her parents were in Tor- onto to attend the garden party and dinner arranged in honour of the Queen. Reeve Bray said he considered the member- ship of the Chimo Club might be the largest in the district and certainly, with three towns involved, the fellowship cameraderie so evi- dent, must be an achievement. Clem Downey, of Rossport, one of the organ- izers of the club said he was contented now to know Chimo is part of a national organization. Tommy Whent announced that there was a daily crew working in renovating the new build -ing and asked for help - even the ladies, he said, could pull nails out of boards. And, to the delight of the others, Jessie Macadam res- ponded 'If you think, Tommy' I'm going to leave my posh hotel - to pull out nails - you- 're Crazy!" Councillor Krause offered the congratula- tions of the town council on the formation and success of the club, adding he hoped to be present when the 25th anniversary was celebra- ted. continued page I2 ...cccccese