JUNE 20, I973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE II Shell of Canada presented by Terrace Bay Bowling Associa- Terrace Bay Bowling Association J. Mikus to Mixed Bowling team tion Trophies - Ladies Night Trophies - Ladies Afternoon Captain D. Burton Team, Captain L. Huard. Captain M. Glad ? os he * Ladies Afternoon-E. Boutilier Ladies Night = B. Mendelin Mixed League - F. Figliomeni High Average; S. Sadowick, High High Single w/hcp; G. Moore Ladies High Single and High Sin- Single and High Single w/hcp; made presentation; J. Trem- gle with hcp; L. Wills made pre- J. Greenwood made presentation blay, High Average, High sentation; D. Garvin - Ladies and S. Dakin High Triple w/hcp Triple and High Triple High Triple and Ladies High A. Daley missing-High Triple w/hep. Triple w/hcp. i ; RRR FURR § aww gow ie | John Labatts Trophy presented Palm Dairies Trophy pre- Consolation Winners, Ladies by E. Boutilier to Ladies sented by E. Boutilier to Night presented by E. Boutilier Night Captain G. Moore Ladies Afternoon Captain to Captain M. Reid. H. Hiebert . continued page I2 ue..ivesums ens