PAGE 6 TERRACE BAY NEWS JUNE 6, I973 SCHREIBER COUNCIL QUOTES The Schreiber Municipal Council, at their second regular May meeting were gravely con- cerned over the report of the Underwater Re- covery Ltd. on the condition of the dam at Cooks' Lake, which they consider in poor con- dition, offering the following suggestions to bring it to a safe condition: (a) build a breaker from the top side above the water line for approximately four feet and below water line four feet; (b) repair the dam by chipping away all decayed and decaying cement on water side and rebuilding that zone only, then chip- ping away old concrete from the face side of the dam and repairing it with two or three flat slab, from bedrock to three feet above original dam, leaving spillway at its original height; (c)replacing dam with a new structure which in the opinion of this firm would be safer and cheaper in the long run. It was decided to petition C.P. Rail to have a new dam built under the existing cost- sharing agreement. A copy of the report was sent to the Minis- try of Environment, Department of Transporta- tion and Communications, and to Jack Stokes, MLA. Councillor N.A. McCuaig reported the P.A. system for the town hall has been received and is in good working order. In response to a letter to Keith Penner, M.P. concerning the grant for medical centre it appears no Federal monies are available for this purpose, considering the type of centre the town proposes to build. A letter from P.G. Cockburn, Ministry of Environment, dealt with a petition forwarded by town regarding the proposed location of the sewage treatment plant. The matter, he said, has been referred to the Sanitary Engineer Branch for review and council will hear dir- ectly from them. Crown Assets informed council that when a property is reported as surplus, municipal governments have three chances to acquire it - and it is the general policy of the Corpora- tion to obtain the current market value. Tom Jones and Sons will send a representa- tive to meet with council to discuss details for the medical centre. M.M. Dillon Co. advised they will prepare an estimate of cost for survey of storm sew- ers in the town. Jack Stokes, MLA, in response to supporting the resclution of Ontario Ambulance Operators Association expressing concern over reported replacing of Dr. McNally as Director of Am- Lulance Service, stated there is a re-organ- ization taking place in this program in the Emergency Health Service and Dr. McNally will no longer be responsible for daily administra- tion of service but still responsible for de- velopment of Ambulance. It was decided to postpone the additional lighting at Walker Lake. After a lengthy discussion of the Schreiber Hydro-Electric Commission's proposal to sell the town street lighting to council for $16,456.36 it was decided to request J. Tarl- ing to meet with council. It was agreed to support the Ontario Paper Co. in their proposal that an airport be built on Highway I7 at junction of I7 and 6I4 (Man- itouwadge Corners) to service Manitouwadge, Marathon, Terrace Bay and Schreiber. Delighted unbelief greeted the water bill ; account of $3.90! But it, and general accoun- ts of $160.95 were passed for payment. A guard rail is to be placed around the corner at Subway and Winnipeg Streets - the approach to the underpass at the south end. Information will be asked from the Ontario Emergency Health Services regarding the re- placement of ambulances - Schreiber ambulance will shortly be in its 5th year of service. At a special meeting Schreiber Municipal Council applied for two loans under the Win- ter Capital Projects Fund - $68,750. to assist with the dam project and $II,000 to assist with the Library project. Mrs. Gabe Gauthier, who is leaving for a new home in Kamloops, B.C. was entertained at a party held by the former members of the Double D. Knitting Club and other friends, at the Sisson camp at Sand Lake. Mrs. Gauthier, the former Connie Greengrass native of Schrei- " ber, had many happy recollections to discuss during the evening which began with a barbe- que dinner. A painting by Rita McGrath was presented as a farewell gift. Much of the laughter during the party was due to an un- claimed prize for one completed knitted artic- le - with members recalling in detail projects 4 they'd begun but never completed. Mrs. Grethe Axen and Mrs. Esther Lyngsil, ; of Copenhagen are visiting their sister Inga - 8 Mrs. Robert Ellacott. Mrs. Helen Jartus, a long-time member of St. John's Church A.C.W. was honoured by them at a dinner party held in conjunction with their regular May meeting. As a farewell gift she was presented with a cut glass vase with China roses to wish her happiness in her new home in Oliver, B.C.