PAGE 22 TERRACE BAY NEWS JUNE 6, I973 Auxiliary Meeting - cont'd from page I6 ..... in Rossport. Rides will be available from Ruth Mitchell, Eva Gordon, Fern MacDonald, Lil Harris, Marge Drake, and Lillian Christie. Please look for further details in a later iss -ue of the News. ORDER YOUR CANADA DAY FLAGS FOR Jury 1 Save yourself the time and bother of filling out those tedious order forms - just call the Terrace Bay News Office 825-3747 and we'll order for you. Orders for flags will be taken until WEDNES- DAY, JUNE I3th ONLY!!! : 2x 54" flags are available for $5.99 3' x 6' flags are available for $9.99 Flag poles and prices available on request. RECREATION NEWS MOBILE SAILING SCHOOL: Anyone interested in finding out more about a Mobile Sailing school which will be held in Rossport from June 25th to June 29th can pick up information sheets at the Recreation Office This school is being sponsored by the Ontar -io Sailing Association, Sport and Recreation Branch, Benson & Hedges and Aluminum Goods Ltd Since it is difficult to mention all pertin -ent details in this column, interested persons should contact the Recreation Office or speak to Mr. Chuck Wilde. SWIMMING REGISTRATION FORMS: Swimming forms will be circulated through the schools this week. All the necessary in- formation is outlined on the forms. If you have not received yours by the weekend, simply call the Recreation Office at 3542. The reg- istration deadline is outlined on the form. it to the Recreation Office. MINOR BALL REGISTRATION FORMS: Minor ball forms will be circulated throuch the schools this week as well. All leagues and age groupings are outlined on the forms. Volunteers will be required to assist in the operation of the various leagues. If you are interested, please call the Recreation Office and leave your name, phone number and area in which you would like to help. YOUTH-IN-ACTION PROJECT-APPLICATION DEADLINE JUNE 7TH: A reminder to interested applicants that the application deadline for the position of "Sum- mer Programme Developer" will be accepted up to June 7th. 4 Preference will be given to a person who has taken or is taking a Recreation course at a college or university. TENNIS COURTS: The co-operation of all tennis players is re- quired to keep the courts in as best shape as possible. Weekly checks are being made by the centre maintenance staff and we are trying to keep the courts in as good playing condition as possible. Your co-operation means better courts for everyone. ROLLER SKATING ATTENDANTS REQUIRED: g Applications will be accepted from interest- ed persons for the position of "Roller Skating Attendants" up to June 8th. Submit application to the Recreation Office, Box 460. The roller skating programme will not comm--- ence until proper staff has been hired. COMING EVENTS: June 7th - Terrace Bay Horticultural Society bedding plant sale from 4:00 p.m. through even- ing. Truck outside Recreation Centre. J June 6th - 7 p.m. - Canada Day Meeting, Curling { Club. The Public is asked to attend. June I3th to I7th - E. & J. Enterprise midway sponsored by Canadian Legion. Watch for furth- er information. 3 The St. Martin's Grade Eight Class leaves by bus at 6:00 a.m. this coming Sunday for four full days in Toronto plus a day in Niagara Falls They return around midnight on Saturday, June 5 I6th. While in Toronto they will visit the On- tario Science Centre, Ontario Place, the Provin -cial Legislative Buildings (where they'll meet our MLA, Jack Stokes), the Royal Ontario Museum, Maple Leaf Gardens, etc. The day at Niagara Falls will include a visit to the Laura Secord Homestead, a tour of the Hydro Stations and Be sure to fill yours out properly, and return visits to several other places of interest.