NOVEMBER 1, 1972 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 5 in the said REEVE NOTE: NOMINATIONS Notice is hereby given to the MUNICIPAL ELECTORS of the TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BAY and to the, PUBLIC SCHOOL ELECTORS of the UNORGANIZED AREA of JACKFISH in the DISTRICT of THUNDER BAY that in compliance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1972, Chapter 95, the period for nominations TOWNSHIP of TERRACE BAY - Municipal Office, 12 Simcoe Plaza is the period from THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9th, 1972, until MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, 1972, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the offices of - ONE REQUIRED COUNCILLORS - FOUR REQUIRED PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEES - LAKE SUPERIOR BOARD OF EDUCATION - TWO REQUIRED SEPARATE SCHOOL TRUSTEES-SCHREIBER-TERRACE BAY COMBINED ROMAN CATHOLIC BOARD - FOUR REQUIRED SEPARATE SCHOOL TRUSTEES-LAKE SUPERIOR BOARD OF EDUCATION - FOUR REQUIRED AT LARGE - (See NOTE below) of which all ELECTORS are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, and if a greater number of candidates than required to fill the said offices, are nominated and make the re- quired declarations, polls will be opened on the dates stated below for the purposes of taking the poll from 11 o'clock in the forenoon until 8 o'clock in the afternoon. ADVANCE POLL - FIRST DAY - MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27th, 1972 LOCATION - MUNICIPAL OFFICE ADVANCE POLL - SECOND DAY - SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 1972 LOCATION - MUNICIPAL OFFICE POLLING DAY - MONDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1972 LARGE MEETING ROOM - RECREATION CENTRE Given under my hand this 1st day of NOVEMBER, 1972, W.J. Hanley, RETURNING OFFICER. Candidates for nomination to the offices of four members at large to be elected by the Separate School Electors of the municipalities of Schreiber and Terrace Bay may obtain the prescribed nomination forms from the Municipal Clerk in each of these municipali- ties for proper completion and delivery to the Municipal Clerk at Manitouwadge not later than 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon of Monday, November 13, 1972. Guide Meeting - cont'd from page 4 ....... will be in Terrace Bay. Guides and Brownies will Marilyn Saranpaa called the roll and three new be at the High School to welcome him. members were present. Mrs. Lois MacRae of Terrace Armistice Day Parade will be held on Saturday, Bay, Mrs. Bibinne Robitaile who has recently moved November 11th and all Guides, Brownies, Cubs, here from Ottawa and Miss Joscelyn Shaw, Librarian Scouts, Rangers and Venturers are to meet at 10:45 Technician at from Cornwall Lake Superior High School who comes with their leaders at the Arena and parade to the , Ont, These three ladies will work Cenotaph. with Pam Jones in the Girl Guides and an interesting Sunday, November 12th, all Girls are asked to "and active year is expected, Guides will now meet attend their own Church for Remembrance Day. on Tuesdays af the Scout Hall on Highway 17. Brownie fly up will be held on November 21st at On Friday, November 10th the Governor General | the Scout Hall. All parents are welcome. cont'd page 6