AUGUST 30, 1972 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 3 A TERRACE BAY NEWS ii Published every Wednesday in the News Printing Plant, Post Office Building, Terrace Bey, Onterio.. Phone 825 ~ 3747, Deadline fer advertisements and news material is NOON. MONDAY. Classified Ads - Cards of Thanks and Announcements - Minimum Charge - 75¢ (25 words and under). CASH IN ADVANCE, (I.00) if charged. 3¢ per word after 25. Subseription Rate - $4,00 per year. (in tewn) $5.00 per year. (out of town) Second class mail . Registration number 0867. Ja competition was much keener with the highest number of points going to Denis Landry, followed by Sylvia Landry, Oswald Buhrmann, Tom Fournier, Cheryl Moore, Diane Malashewski, Leslie McBride, Dan Fournier, Clifford Legacy, Joan Hiebert and Patti Regis. Clifford Legacy won the Albert Cadieux award for the youngest competitor in the show. In the Garden Competition the gardens were in- spected at three different times throughout the summer and in the Junior Section Paul Gerlach was the first place gardener, followed by Eddy Mykietyn and Denis Landry. In the Senior Section, Bill Megraw was followed by Craig Hiebert and Kelly McKie. In the adult section of the show Hycinthe Landry was the big winner capturing the Grand Aggregate followed by Mrs. Alice Farrow. Mr. Landry also won the aggregates in the Houseplant, Biennial, Gladiola, Collections and Displays and Floral arrangements sections. Mrs. Farrow won the aggregates in the Annuals and Roses and Outdoor Potted Plant sections. Mrs. Milly Welsh was the aggregate winner in the Dahlia section, Mrs. Hilda Hiebert in the Perennials section, Mrs. Eva Connors in the Fruit section and Mr. Endel Ojavee was the big winner in the Vegeta- ble section . Kimmy Dakin won the door prize of fifty gallons of heating oil donated by Mr. R. Sinotte. Other prizes for the show were made possible through the generosity of the Township of Terrace Bay, Cebrario's Hardware, Werner's Barber Shop, Charlotte's Beauty Spot, Norwood Motel, Palm Dairies, Robinson Stores, Spadoni Brothers, Waghorné Pharmacy, Terrace Bay Cleaners, Lakeshore Commun- ity TV Service, Costa's Foodmarket, Island View Shell Service Station, Terrace Bay News, Imperial Garden Show - cont'd from page 2 Bank of Commerce, International Brotherhood, Pulp Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers, Loyal Order of Moose, Koke's Greenhouses, Garden Research Lgps., Fy Plum Grove Nurseries, Mount FH McKay Feed Co., Zellers Ltd., Lakehead Freight- ways, Swift Canada Co., C.A. Cruickshank Lid., Gertrude's Flower Centre in Red Rock, McConnell Nurseries, McKenzie Seed Co., Hankinson Seeds, Eaton's of Canada, Alberta Nurseries and Seeds, John A. Houston Co., and Mr. Bert Sitch. TERRACE BAY PUBLIC SCHOOL School will open September 5, 1972 at 9:00 a.m. and will dismiss not later than 10:30 a.m. This applies to all students including Kindergarten. There will be no classes on Tuesday afternoon. Regular classes will commence on Wednesday, September 6th at 8:55 a.m. The following hours will be observed: Admission - 8:55 a.m. Dismissal: = 11:55 a.m. Admission = 1:15 p.m. Dismissal: = 3:45 p.m. Kindergarten students will attend in the mornings only and will dismiss at 11:30 a.m. New students may register at the office anytime between 9:00 and 12:00 a.m. and 1:30 and 4:30 p.m. or may make other arrangements by contacting the school office at 825-3321. K. Macleod, Principal . COUNCIL QUOTES Terrace Bay Town Council met in regular session, with Reeve Cavanaugh and all councillors present. Accounts passed for payment were as follows: - Township - $27,538.92; Hydro - $13,541.40; Library-$1016.77; Recreation Committee-$11,543.37. A letter from Reeve Cavanaugh to the Honourable Rene Brunelle requested an early answer to his pre- vious letter inquiring as to why there was a hold-up on the addition to Pinewood Court. A request from the Island View Service Station to consider zoning changes was read and considered. A letter from the Norwood Motel with respect to re-zoning was read and considered. A letter of appreciation from Mrs. |. Ferrier to Reeve Cavan- augh and council was read. Mrs. Ferrier had been on the Board of Management of Pinewood Court, resigning due to her moving to Renfrew. A letter of resignation from Mrs. lvy Pattison, continued page 4